Jaundice Skin Problems

Do you know the major causes of jaundice?

Need to know about Symptoms, Treatment, Types, and Causes of Jaundice

Are your skin and whites of your eyes turning yellow along with other symptoms like dark-colored urine and itchy skin then it can be due to a condition called jaundice. It can affect people of all age groups and is most commonly seen in newborn babies. Here in this article let us discuss in detail jaundice, why it happens, what are the major causes of jaundice, and also ways to avoid it.

What is jaundice?

Jaundice which is also called Icterus is a condition raised due to excess buildup of bilirubin in body fluids and tissues. Bilirubin is a yellow-orange-colored pigment that is present in our RBCs. When these RBCs die, the liver metabolizes it, and then it gets combined with bile and excretes from the body through feces and urine. If this process gets obstructed due to any health condition or if the liver fails to metabolize bilirubin, then it leads to an excess build of bilirubin. This excess buildup of bilirubin leads to jaundice. When this bilirubin leaks into the surrounding tissues, then the skin and whites of your eyes turn into a yellow color which is the major symptom of jaundice. People suffering from jaundice along with yellowing of skin and whites of eyes also experience other symptoms like dark-colored urine, itchy skin, pale stools, and yellowing of mucous membranes in the mouth and nose. Few people also experience other jaundice symptoms like fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and others.

jaundice treatment

As discussed earlier jaundice is very common among newborn babies, around 60% to 70% of babies face this newborn jaundice. If not treated properly, excess bilirubin levels in the newborn may lead to a severe complication called Kernicterus (brain damage).

There are 3 major types of jaundice depending on its causes like

  1. Hepatocellular jaundice (caused due to liver diseases)
  2. Hemolytic jaundice (caused due to hemolysis)
  3. Obstructive jaundice (caused due to inflamed or blocked bile duct)

Major causes of jaundice

Jaundice can be caused due to several health conditions, here are few common jaundice causes

  • Hepatitis
  • Damaged liver due to liver cancer and alcoholic liver disease (Cirrhosis)
  • Inflamed or blocked bile duct due to gallstones and cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Gilbert’s syndrome
  • Cholestasis
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Few suggestions

In few rare cases, jaundice can also be caused due to Crigler- Najjar syndrome, Dubin- Johnson, and Pseudo jaundice.

How to avoid it?

Jaundice is not caused due to a particular cause and several health conditions can lead to it, hence there is no particular way to avoid jaundice. But, here are few ways measures that can help to avoid your risk of jaundice

  • Avoiding excess consumption of alcohol than the recommended amount.
  • Having a healthy and balanced diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy weight and controlling cholesterol
  • Getting Hepatitis vaccine
  • Avoiding over usage of few medications
  • Maintaining hygiene and avoiding consumption of contaminated water and food
Health Tips Jaundice

Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

About Jaundice Disorder

Jaundice is a health condition in which people face yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes. Jaundice is also called as icterus and is mainly caused due to high or increased amount of a substance called Bilirubin. Bilirubin is a scrap product which is mixed with bile and passes out of the body as faeces and urine. If any underlying disorder leads to excess production of bilirubin or obstruct the discharge of bilirubin, then it leads to jaundice. Few underlying disorders that lead to jaundice are

  • Inflammation of liver
  • Inflammation and obstruction of bile duct
  • Hepatitis
  • Excess intake of alcohol
  • Pancreatic cancer

People with jaundice have few symptoms like yellowing of skin, eyes and other inside parts, itching of skin, pain in abdomen, fever, vomiting, weight loss, paler stool, dark colour urine and so on.

Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

There are three types of jaundice namely

  • Pre-hepatic jaundice or haemolytic jaundice
  • Intra-hepatic jaundice or hepatocellular jaundice
  • Post-hepatic jaundice or obstructive jaundice
  • How it threaten to life

Jaundice can lead to several health complications due to excess amount of bilirubin. High level of bilirubin in new born babies can be life threatening as it can damage brain and spinal cord. High bilirubin also damages brain and this situation are called as bilirubin encephalopathy. High amount of bilirubin can lead to severe complication by damaging central nervous system called kernicterus. In elders jaundice it can lead to ascites (accumulation of fluid in abdomen), coagulopathy (tendency to bruise), hepatic encephalopathy (decline in brain functioning), portal hypertension and so on.

overcome Jaundice Disorders

Though jaundice is caused due to several factors, people can control and lower the risk of jaundice by making few lifestyle changes and following jaundice disorder prevention tips like

  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Limiting the intake of alcohol
  • Avoid exposure to Hepatitis by getting vaccinated
  • Manage cholesterol levels
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy and balanced diet and also fresh food
  • Drink plenty of clean purified water
  • Expose new borne babies to sun light
  • Maintain hygiene
  • Avoid oily and fried food
  • Avoid spicy food

Homeopathy Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

Homeopathy health tips for Jaundice Disorders

Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders works very effectively by treating the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy remedies for jaundice disorders are natural, mild and they also do not have any further side effects. Homeopathy remedies for jaundice also work to treat liver disorders and aims at overall wellbeing of individuals. Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders is prescribed based on the signs and symptoms and also based on the individualization theory. Homeopathy doctor also provide health tips for jaundice disorders. These homeopathy tips for jaundice disorders include diet tips, exercises, avoiding alcohol and so on. These jaundice disorder tips are safe and helps in quick recovery of the individuals. Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders works by improving immunity and self healing process of the body.