Health Tips Weight Loss

Benefits of beetroot for good health and weight loss

Need to know about health benefits of beetroot

Beetroot also referred to as beet, is a root veggie that is gaining popularity and is enormously used nowadays. This dark maroon-colored taproot is actually treated as a superfood due to its rich nutritional profile. For those who want to shed their extra pounds, beetroot juice is highly recommended. Beetroot along with weight loss also helps in controlling Hypertension, improving heart health, maintaining a healthy weight, aids digestion, reduces bad cholesterol, lowers sugar levels, treats anemia, prevents progression of Dementia, improves skin complexion, and also gives us healthy hair.

Introduction to Beetroot

It is the taproot part of the beet plant and belongs to the Chenopodiaceous family. It is used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Though beet is popular, in the beginning, days the green part of beetroots is used, later these taproots (Beetroot) are used as a food colorant and sugar supplement.

Benefits of beetroot for health and weight loss

Coming to the nutritional part of Beetroots, these are one of the excellent sources of fiber and are rich in vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, E, and K and minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also contains a huge amount of folic acid.

Health benefits

Here are few amazing health benefits of beetroot and beetroot juice

  • Beetroot juice for weight loss- Beetroot juice is the perfect option for those who are trying to lose weight. Its juice is rich in fiber, contains no fat, and talking about calories, one full medium-sized beetroot has approximately 35 to 40 calories only. All these characteristics of beetroot juice help to reduce cholesterol levels by keeping you full for longer hours and helps in maintaining a healthy weight. Most importantly this juice also improves stamina, i.e. it gives enough stamina to practice your exercises a little longer, which automatically burns fatter. It also works amazingly in treating constipation.
  • Controls Hypertension- The nitrates present in Beetroot helps to controls high BP. These nitrates are converted into nitric acid, which relaxes and widens our vessels and controls high BP.
  • Improves Heart health- A huge number of flavonoids, fiber, and other antioxidants present in Beetroots helps to reduce bad cholesterol and improve heart health. Potassium and nitrates present in it help to prevent heart issues like heart attack by controlling abnormal heart rhythm and circulation.
  • Improves Digestion- Beetroot and its juice are linked to improving digestion. High water content and fiber present in improving digestion and treating constipation.
  • Controls Diabetes- High fiber content and medium glycemic index present in beetroot help to lower sugar levels. For those who have sweet tooth and suffering from diabetes, Beetroots are like gifts for. Though it tastes sweet, it is not harmful.
  • Combats Anemia- Anemia is mainly caused due to lack of iron. Beetroots are a rich source of iron and work very well in controlling anemia. Floate present in beets also helps in combating anemia.
  • Prevents Dementia- Dementia is a common cognitive disorder that is seen in most elder people. Nitrate compounds present in beetroot helps to prevent this disorder by improving circulation to the brain.
  • Beneficial for conceived women- Beets also contain folic acid which is said to have the ability to prevent neural tube defects in newborn babies. Hence including beets in the diet is very beneficial for conceived women.
  • Benefits skin and hair- Regular consumption of beetroot and its juice help to improves skin complexion and health. It also helps in fighting free radicals and preventing skin aging.

Beetroots are also said to be beneficial for hair, they nourish the hair follicles, prevent hair fall, and also promote hair growth.

It is always recommended to take in moderate amounts or juice it mixing with other veggies.

Health Tips Weight Loss

Start Eating this and Lose your Weight

Want to know the tips for a Weight Loss & Healthy Diet Plan

Most of us opt for a crash diet for weight loss, but does it help? A big NO. Going for a crash diet and starving ourselves negatively affects our health and also leads to nutritional deficiency. Let us know how we can reduce our weight by following a healthy diet plan? how to lose your weight tips?

Best way to lose weight

Food effects on weight loss

Food and eating habits play a crucial role in controlling and maintaining your weight. Dieting is what comes to our minds when we think of losing weight. Dieting is not just starving, it is about avoiding bad eating habits, checking labels of different food items before buying, having a nutrient-rich diet in small portions frequently. A weight-loss balanced diet includes the right portion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber. What we eat and drink directly impacts our weight. Consuming more calories than what we burn daily increases our weight and consuming low-calorie food than we burn leads to weight loss. Eating whole food at once without proper chewing can also increase your risk of weight gain, to lose weight consume a small number of foods more frequently.

List of diets to lose your weight

Planning a weight loss diet is the most crucial part and this plan benefits both your weight and health. Here is the list of foods that are more appropriate for your weight loss diet.

Have protein-rich diet

A protein-rich diet plays an important role in your weight loss program. Protein-rich foods help to eliminate fats from your body by maintaining your muscle. Protein-rich foods also help to control your appetite. Few protein-rich foods include chicken, fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, and others.

Include carbohydrate-rich foods

Most of us are misconception that the intake of carbs increases our weight, but that is not true. Intake of some carbs is beneficial as long as we control our calories intake. Few foods which have high-quality carbs and which also help us in losing weight are fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, brown rice, beans, peas, and others.

Include fats in your diet to lose weight

Many people try and keep away fat foods. Not all fats are harmful, you need some amount of fats for the proper functioning of your body. You need to have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats along with a low-fat diet to be healthy and eliminate few health problems like high cholesterol, heart problems, and so on. Few fat-rich foods which assist you in weight loss include nuts, seeds, fish, avocados, olive oil, and several others.

What you need more for weight loss?

Along with a balanced diet, eating habits also play crucial roles like eating small and frequent meals, chewing the food properly, having breakfast every day and having early dinner, etc. Exercises and physical activities also are very important to get desired results quickly. Exercises along with a balanced diet not just helps in weight loss but also helps to improve your health and keeps you fit.

Health Tips Weight Loss

Weight Loss Tips Through Homeopathy

Obesity and heavy weight are two major issues faced by many people now a days. People of all age groups and genders are facing this problems and it can be due to several factors like sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, genetic and eating disorders and so on. Consuming more calories than we burn is the main reason behind heavy weight. Heavy weight and obesity severely affects individuals overall wellbeing. Weight problems not just affects individuals physically but also affects individuals mentally and emotionally. Heavy weight lowers individuals work performance along with their self confidence. Over weight severely affects conceived women and leads to several complications like miscarriages, gestational diabetes, hypertension and c-sections. Obesity and heavy weight increase the risk of several health illnesses like diabetes, cholesterol, osteoarthritis, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Obesity and overweight also increase the risk of infertility in most of the women. It is believed that heavy weight and infertility are related to each other as heavy weight can lead to irregular menstruation and adversely affect ovulation which certainly leads to infertility. Though heavy weight and obesity are two common problems faced by many people now days, if left untreated they can lead to serious health problems and also can be life threatening.

Weight Loss homeopathy

Shedding few extra kg’s is very crucial for people who are obese and facing heavy weight problems. Weight loss is nothing but reducing total body mass. Losing weight and maintaining healthy weight is the superior way to avoid dangerous health problems. It is not a simple and easy task to lose stubborn fat accumulations from our body. To lose weight a strict diet, physical exercises and controlling your hunger are very crucial. One also needs strong willpower and planning to get desired results. Along with diet, exercises and controlling appetite, adequate sleep is also very important to lose weight.

Tips to Lose Weight

Individuals can easily lose excess weight by following few lifestyle changes, health and diet tips. Here are few health tips for weight loss which assist you in getting rid of excess weight.

  • Never skip your meals especially breakfast as it helps to lose weight by keeping you full. Healthy breakfast also helps to maintain weight and kick start your day.
  • Drink plenty of water, it helps to lose weight by burning more calories and also keeps you full. Water not just helps in weight loss but also very beneficial for your skin and hair.
  • Never eat too much food, eat small meals frequently. You can have five to six small meals, it also helps to reduce belly fat.
  • Focus on the portion of food and number of calories you are consuming, and also avoid eating in front of the TV, reading a news paper or listening to music as you may not focus on the quantity how much you are eating.
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in diet and avoid junk and saturated foods.
  • Eat fibre rich foods as they help in reducing body fat.
  • Eat the food slowly and chew the food properly, it not just helps in healthy digestion but also helps
  • Avoid unhealthy snacks and opt for salads or fresh fruits instead.
  • Avoid intake of refined carbohydrates as they increase appetite and sugar levels in our body.
  • Reduce your plate size as it helps to reduce the portion of food you eat and hence helps in weight loss.
  • Eat your dinner early and try not to eat after your dinner and go to bed on your regular time.
  • One should get adequate sleep, it helps to control your appetite and also assist you in weight loss.
  • Prefer coffee and green tea, as they are filled with antioxidants and caffeine which helps in boosting your metabolism and helps you to lose weight.
  • Cut your intake of sweetened beverages as they increase the risk of obesity and also other health illnesses. These sweet beverages add extra calories and increase the risk of heavy weight.
  • Eat your favourite foods but always focus on the portion and calories.
  • Include yogurt in your diet and in snack as it is very healthy and helps you to lose some extra kg’s.
  • Control your stress levels increase the risk of weight gain and also affect your weight loss.
  • Be physically active and keep moving around while talking on your phone.
  • Do yoga and perform different exercises as a part of your daily routine life and notice the difference.
  • Walking is one of the safe and most opted ways of physical exercising which helps you in weight loss and also to maintain healthy weight.
  • People can also acquire desired results through running and jogging very quickly. Running or jogging on an empty stomach helps to boost the fat burning process.
  • Swimming is another superior way to burn fats very quickly as swimming uses many muscles in our body and it also improves our health and keeps us fit.

Along with the above weight loss tips, other ways like dancing, cycling, cardio and other activities also work very effectively and assist you to lose weight and get the desired results quickly.

Weight Loss Tips Through Homeopathy

Homeopathy for weight loss and obesity works very effectively. Homeopathy mainly aims at treating the root causes of heavy weight or obesity like hypothyroidism, eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle and so on. Homeopathy uses natural remedies for controlling and eliminating excess fat accumulations in the body. These homeopathic remedies are safe, natural and have no adverse side effects when compared to other constitutional methods. Homeopathy treatment for obesity and heavy weight are prescribed based on the symptoms, full case history of the individual and also based on theory of individualization. Along with treatment a professional homeopath also provides weight loss tips through homeopathy. These weight loss tips in homeopathy are safe, natural and also help in quick recovery. Homeopathy not just focuses on treating heavy weight problems but also aims at over all wellbeing.