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As we all know from childhood, exercise is a key to healthy life, but do you know too much exercise can harm your health. According to latest studies people who spend more time at gym and other trainings are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The symptoms of over exercising may differ for each individual. Along with heart problems, few health problems and symptoms people who over train face include

  • Muscle pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of libido
  • Abnormal heart beat
  • High risk of bone problems
  • Risk of injuries
  • Swelling of lymph gland
  • Dehydration
  • Poor sleep

Health Problems with Too Much Exercise

People may have one or more above symptoms. If you experience the above, it is important to stop your exercises. Men who over exercise are at an increased risk of developing plaque in their arteries. This building up of plaque in arteries can be a symptom of heart diseases in future. Along with controlling high cholesterol, hypertension and excess body weight, it is also important to maintain healthy weight, cholesterol and BP. Doing short term exercises id better than excess training and over exercising.

Safety Exercise Tips

By following few safety measures while exercising one can easily eliminate several health complications. Few safety exercise tips include

  • Always warm up before exercising
  • Start your exercises with low intensity work outs
  • Always discuss with professionals before exercising if you have any health issues
  • Wear appropriate dress and shoes while doing exercises or trainings like running and other sports.
  • Take rest if you’re overdoing and let your body heal
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Always remember over exercising and high intense training can lead to injuries and fractures.
  • Exercising outdoors and high exposure to sun can lead to skin problems like cancers
  • Stop exercising if you face symptoms like abnormal heart beat, breathlessness, pain and discomfort.
  • Have healthy diet
  • For strength exercises always start light weight and increase gradually. Sudden lifting of heavy weights and in wrong position may lead to complications. In order to avoid this always take experts opinion and do the exercises under their observation.
  • By following above safety tips one can stay healthy and avoid unwanted and severe complications.

Health Problems with Too Much Exercises

Homeopathy Treatment for Exercise Problems

Homeopathy treatment for exercise problems works very well by controlling symptoms and also by treating the problems. Homeopathy for exercise problems uses natural remedies that are extracted from plants, vegetables and minerals. Homeopathy remedies for exercise problems are safe, non toxic and are also side effects free. Homeopathy improves immunity and self healing of the body and treats many health conditions along with health problems with too much exercise. A professional homeopath along with treatment for exercise problems also provides few health tips for exercise problems which will help you in quick recovery. Homeopathy treatment is prescribed based on the symptoms, individualization theory and so on.