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Dandruff and its effect

Dandruff is a scalp disorder where white flakes of the skin appear on the scalp, hair, and also on shoulders. These white flakes are the dead skin cells on the scalp. When we comb our hair this dead skin cells come out as flakes.Dandruff can lead to hair loss and dry facial skin. Dandruff is a long-term disorder, though it is not dangerous or serious, but it can be uncomfortable. Dandruff can also be itchy and irritating. Dandruff is mainly due to the skin cells on the scalp which grow and die fast. Dandruff is not contagious and the exact cause of dandruff is not known, but a fungus named malassezia can lead to dandruff. Dandruff not just affects the scalp but also affects the hair, skin, face and so on.

Dandruff control tips

Dandruff can be controlled with treatment and also by following few dandruff control tips and life-style changes like

  • Massage your hair to improve circulation
  • Shampoo often
  • Treatments
  • Control stress
  • Get enough sleep
  • Get some exposure to the sun
  • Eat healthy

Tips for Dandruf Problems

Dandruff effect to Hair Loss

Dandruff leads to hair loss in many people. If left untreated dandruff leads to itchy and inflamed scalp which further leads to hair fall. Dandruff causes itchiness in the scalp, when an individual scratch their scalp it weakens the roots of hair and leads to hair loss. People with dandruff also shampoo regularly which in turn leads to hair fall. The hair that grows from infected area is weak and also lack protein which can cause the hair to break and fall.

Dandruff effect in Men and Women

Though dandruff affects both men and women, it is severe in men compared to women. Men tend to lose more moisture from the scalp than women, which makes their scalp itchy and dry and leads to dandruff. Though women have stronger hair protection scalp barrier, they are also face dandruff problems due to microbe on the scalp. Though women have dandruff, it is not clearly visible due to their longer hair.

Dandruff Causes

Though the exact cause of dandruff is not known, it is believed that many factors can lead to dandruff like

  • Seborrheic dermatitis (irritated and oily skin)
  • Not shampooing hair frequently
  • Stress
  • Malassezia fungus
  • Dry skin
  • Not brushing hair properly
  • Other skin disorders
  • Poor diet
  • Age and gender

Dandruff Overcome tips using Homeopathy

Homeopathy treatment aims and works to treat dandruff totally. Homeopathy uses natural remedies and treats the underlying root cause of the dandruff problem. Homeopathic remedies for dandruff mainly focus on health of the scalp by treating the scalp tissues and their growth. Homeopathy for dandruff problems is safe and very effective. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides homeopathy health tips for dandruff, these health tips for dandruff works very efficiently and also provide many benefits of dandruff control. These homeopathy dandruff prevention tips include diet tips, controlling stress, dealing with scalp allergies and so on. Homeopathy treatment is provided based on the symptoms and also based on individualization theory.