Eye Problems Health Tips

What Regular Eye Itching Says?

Eyes are one among the most important organs in our body and assist us in each and every activity. Any damage or slight abnormalities with them can lead to discomfort. Eye problems are becoming common now a days due to several factors like pollution, allergies, infections, stress, sleeping problems and several others.

Common effects of eye itching

Eye itching can be bothersome and the severity of itching can range based on the severity of the cause and problem. Itching eyes can be caused due to several factors like

  • Allergies– Allergies are the most common cause of itching in eyes. Allergic conjunctivitis is the most commonly seen problem during winters
  • Dry eye– Dry eye syndrome is another common cause of eye irritation. It is a condition where people do not have enough quality tears or lubrication on surface of the eyes.
  • Usage chemical products– The chemical products which you use for personal usage can have adverse affects on your eyes and lead to itching sensation in your eyes.
  • Inflammation of eyelid– This is also called as blepharitis, it is a condition where oil glands present on your hair follicles of your eyelids gets clogged and leads to itching.
  • Usage of electronic gadgets– Excess usage of electronic gadgets especially cell phones at late nights can lead to itching in eyes. This type of strain in your eyes is called as digital eye strain and this is caused due to over usage of gadgets for longer periods.
  • Dust and pollen– If any piece of dust or small sand particles enters your eyes, it leads to severe itching in your eyes and causes pain and discomfort.
  • Wearing contact lens– You may experience some sort of itchiness in your eyes if you are wearing your contact lenses regularly.

Eye Itching

Does it harm eye health?

Eye problems and severe itching should not be neglected, as it may lead to several other problems. Rubbing your itchy eyes can actually worsen the condition and lead to redness and more itching. Rubbing also leads to a condition called corneal abrasion, which can worsen the infection and also lead to corneal scarring. By rubbing your eye continuously you can transmit the allergies or infection to the other eye also. In severe cases, it can also damage your eyes.

Steps to follow

By following few tips you can actually control eye itching problems, like

  • Clean your eyes with clean water, if you feel that any dust particles entered into your eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes, use suggested eye drops to control infections.
  • Wear cooling or sunglasses, if you are going out on a bike or when you are working near dusty or sandy conditions.
  • Avoid contact with scented candles or any other allergic factors.
  • Avoid working with strong cleaning chemicals.
  • Consult eye specialist if you experience any discomfort in your eyes without neglecting.
Asthma Health Tips Winter

Winter Effects for Asthma People

Asthma is a chronic and incurable respiratory disease. It is a lung disorder where the muscles in the airways or bronchial tubes gets inflamed and become narrow. Due to inflammation and swelling the cells in the airways produce excess mucus which further narrows airways. Due to these narrowed airways people face difficulty breathing as the air can’t flow in and out properly. People with asthma face symptoms like cough, chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of breath, weakness or tiredness and so on. Asthma is caused due to several factors like allergies, genetic factors, pollution, smoking, exposure to chemicals and respiratory infections. When people face asthma due to allergies, it is called as allergic asthma. Several allergens like smoke, dust, pet dander, pollen and several others triggers asthma attack. When asthma people inhale any strong substances, their airways become irritated and get inflamed.

Cold weather triggers asthma and worsens the symptoms and people with asthma experience severe symptoms during cold weathers. Asthmatics mostly have asthma attacks or face severe symptoms during night times and in the early mornings when the weather is cold.


Asthma Problems

Asthma can attack people of all age groups, from children to elders. Asthma is classified into different types like a topic asthma/childhood asthma, occupational asthma/adult asthma, exercise induced asthma, cough variant asthma, night time asthma and severe asthma. In exercise induced asthma, exercises and physical activities triggers asthma attack in people. In people with asthma stress and smoking also triggers the asthma attack as smoking further damages lungs and narrows airways. Over weight also plays a crucial role in triggering asthma symptoms, hence people who are overweight and obese should shed some fats from their body. Few other conditions like sleep apnea, runny nose, sinus infections and reflux diseases worsens asthma condition and it is very important to get them treated. Asthma is a severe condition if left untreated or if gets worst can lead to several complications like sleeping disorders, pneumonia, failure of respiratory system, collapsed lungs and also leads to severe asthma which may not respond to the treatment.

Winter Effects on Asthma People

As discussed earlier, cold weather severely affects asthma people and triggers asthma attack. Asthma is one among the most 5 common health problems in winter. Generally our inside body and organs are warmer than the outside temperature and also the air we breathe is warmed before reaching the lungs. In winter and cold weathers people with asthma inhale cold air and they fail to warm up the breath before reaching the lungs. This cold breath affects lungs and leads to lung disorders and also inflames air ways. In winter the air is also dry, when people with asthma breathe this dry air, it irritates muscle tissues in the airways and leads to inflammation. Usually in winter due to cold weather people stay indoors and this increase their risk of allergies. When people stay indoors they come in contact with several allergens like pet dander, dust mites and others and this leads to a condition called allergic asthma. Along with these in winters people generally have cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses which also trigger asthma attacks. In winter several physical factors like stress and anxiety also plays a crucial role in worsening asthma symptoms. In winter people with asthma should be very careful especially the children and elders, as they have weak immunity and are more prone to several health illnesses. People need to take extra care in winter to stay healthy and avoid health illnesses. Asthma is a serious disease and if left untreated it can be life threatening also.

Asthma Disorders Control Tips

Even though asthma is an incurable disorder, by following few tips one can control and manage the symptoms and also prevents worsening of the disease. Here are few asthma control tips which helps in controlling the symptoms.

  • Avoid contact with allergens and especially stay away from pet dander which further worsens symptoms of allergies.
  • Wear appropriate winter wear and cover yourself to avoid seasonal illnesses.
  • Use air purifiers and keep your house clean and dry.
  • Stay away from infected people with seasonal illnesses as these illnesses may worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Exercise regularly and also stay hydrated by increasing intake of fluids and water.
  • Adjust your room temperature as the weather at night times and early hours is very cold.
  • Stay indoors in cold weather and practice several exercises
  • Carry your inhaler always with you to avoid any emergencies.
  • Have healthy diet, include soups which can also improve immunity.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with appropriate clothing like scarfs, kerchiefs and so on during cold breeze.
  • Quit smoking as it further damages your lungs and increases inflammation in airways.
  • Control your alcohol consumption.
  • Control physical factors like stress and anxiety as they can trigger asthma attack.
  • Maintain hygiene and wash your hands frequently as it helps to avoid several infections and allergies in weather changes
  • Go out during late hours when the weather is hot and warm
  • Take your allergy doses and flu vaccine to avoid complications.
  • Take your asthma prescriptions regularly without fail.
  • Use saline sprays to keep your nasal passages clean and eliminate blockages.
  • Get regular check ups as it helps to eliminate severe complications.

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma Disorders

Homeopathy treatment for asthma disorders works very well in controlling the symptoms and eliminating the root cause of the asthma disorders like allergies, infections and so on. Homeopathy for asthma problems uses natural remedies which are safe, free from adverse side effects and also which are suitable to all age groups. Homeopathy treatment for asthma problems is prescribed based on the symptoms, complete examination and theory of individualization. Asthma successfully reduces the inflammation in the airways and also production of excess mucus. Homeopathy mainly focuses on improving immunity and treating several illnesses and for overall wellbeing. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides asthma disorders tips. These homeopathy tips for asthma helps to provide quick relief from symptoms and eliminates the occurrence of asthma attack.

Health Tips Sneezing Problems

Sneezing Problems and Prevention Tips

Are you facing sneezing problems, though it may not be due to any severe health condition but it can be irritating and disturbing. Sneezing may be generally caused due to cold, flu, allergies, infections and also due to other nasal irritants.

Sneezing is an act of forceful burst of air or mucus irritants through your nose and mouth. Sneezing can occur suddenly and unintentionally when foreign substances irritate the mucus membrane or lining of the nose or throat. Sneezing isn’t dangerous but it is our body’s way to remove irritating substances from throat or nose. Our nose mainly helps to clean the air we breathe, when any dust or bacteria enters our nose, they irritates mucus membrane of nose or throat and it can cause you to sneeze. Factors like sudden change of temperature, exposure to bright light, viral infections, cold breeze, allergies, strong odours and also certain prescriptions may trigger sneezing. Sneezing is considered as an immunity process which helps us to clear virus and bacteria from nose and throat and also keeps us healthy.

Sneezing problems

Causes of Sneezing

Here are few sneezing causes which can develop sneezes

  • Allergies– Allergy is a condition which is developed as a response of our immune system to foreign substances that enters our body. A person can be allergic to several substances like pollen, dust, dander and also to some foods. When you get in contact with allergens it leads to sneezing to expel those allergens from your body.
  • Infections– viral infections like cold, flu also make you to sneeze to expel the irritants or mucus from your nose or throat.
  • Exposure to Sunlight– apart from exposure to allergens, few people also sneeze when exposed to sunlight or bright light. This reaction is called as photic sneeze reflux. Though the exact cause of this condition is not known, it is believed that it is because of the message brain receives to sneeze during the presence of bright light.

Few people along with sneezing also tend to develop few other symptoms depending on the underlying problem like

  • Watery and itchy eyes
  • Cough
  • Fever and chills
  • Runny nose

Here are few fun facts about sneezing which we may not be aware of, like

  • We sneeze to provide relief to our nose
  • We sneeze very fastly that it may travel up to 30 to 35 miles per hour.
  • Few people sneezes more than two time to expel stubborn irritants and sneezing more are also common.
  • We involuntarily tend to close our eyes when we sneeze.
  • Most of us believe that our heart beat stops when we sneeze but it is not true, our heart beat do not stop but it beats slowly.
  • Do not try to stop a sneeze as it may lead to several health complications like ruptured ear drum, weakens vessels in the brain and also lead to broken vessels in the eyes. But you can stop the urge to sneeze by rubbing your nose, taking deep breaths and avoiding sneezing symptoms like itchy nose.
  • People may not sneeze when they are sleeping, but the allergens or stimulant may disturb sleep and then cause sneeze.
  • You can spread viral infections and bacteria through sneezing and this is the reason professionals tells to use hand kerchiefs or hands to stop spreading the virus and infection.
  • Do you know that the sneezes actually start in your nerves, the nerves transmit the signals to brain and causes cough.
    Sneezes protect our body by expelling bacteria, allergens and also mucus from our body.

Few people also develop sneezes during exercises, intercourse and also while plucking eyebrows.

Sneezing Problems Prevention Tips

One can prevent sneezing problems by following few prevention tips like

  • First step you can do to prevent sneezes is to avoid allergens or triggers that causes sneeze. If you are facing sneezing problems due to allergies, it get cured when the allergy is controlled.
  • Keep your pets out from your room and sleeping area
  • Change the furnace filters and keep your house clean
  • Change your bed covers frequently to eliminate dust mites
  • If you are facing sneezing problem due to allergies, consult your doctor and get it treated.
  • Use nasal sprays to get rid of congested nose and runny nose.
  • Stay hydrated and take enough rest when you have infections
  • Avoid exposure to smoke, strong odour and also cold breeze
  • If you are allergic to any foods, avoid them and stay healthy
  • Adjust humidity and temperatures during cold weathers
  • Be careful during cold weathers as you may be at an increased risk of developing cold and flu which triggers sneezes.
  • People with allergies may be prescribed allergy shots. Exposing your body to small doses of allergens helps to make your immunity less reacting to the allergens.
  • When you have cold and flu, take rest and drink plenty of fluids to improve your immunity and to recover quickly.
  • If you face haemorrhage from nose, consult your doctor and get it treated.
  • Use home remedies like ginger, garlic, black pepper and others to get relief from sneezing.
  • Consult your doctor if you have severe sneezes which are affecting your daily life and also when you don’t get relief from home remedies.

Homeopathy treatment for sneezing problems

Homeopathy works well in treating sneezing problems. Homeopathy treats sneezing problems by focusing and treating the root cause of the problem i.e. allergies, infections, cold, flu and others. Homeopathy for sneezing problems uses natural remedies made of natural substances which are safe, non toxic and also are free from side effects. Homeopathy aims to treat sneezing problems by improving immunity system. Homeopathy provides treatment for sneezing problems and prevention tips also. These sneezing tips through homeopathy help in quick recovery from sneezes. Homeopathy treatment for sneezing health problems is prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individualization.

Health Tips Skin Disorders

Skin Allergies Prevention Tips

Skin allergy is condition where our skin becomes red, itchy and bumpy when it comes in contact with several allergens. Apart from allergens several other factors leads to skin allergies. Skin rash is mostly seen type of skin allergy which happens due to several factors like allergens, treatments, chemical cosmetics and also due to infections.

Why Skin Allergies Arise ?

Allergy symptoms are seen when our body’s own healing system overreacts to some foreign substances that are not hazardous to our health and attacks it. These foreign substances are called allergens. Our body becomes sensitive to these allergens and leads to allergies when we come in contact with them. These allergies can be seasonal and some can be perennial i.e. they occur year around. Some common allergens which cause allergies in most of the people are pollen, dust mites, some foods, products and many more. General types of skin allergies are

  • Hives or urticaria
  • Rashes
  • Dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis or Eczema
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Angioedema
  • Blisters

Symptoms of skin infections include itchy skin, rash, skin flakes, itchy and watery eyes and running nose.

What are the Causes and Controlling tips for Skin Allergies?

Many conditions cause allergies on skin like contact with virus, bacteria, fungus and many other microorganisms. Seasonal changes triggers skin allergies due to changes in weather like humidity. In monsoon we are at increased risk of developing fungal infections on skin. Other common causes of skin allergies include

  • Grass pollen
  • Dust mites
  • Insect bites
  • Chemical cosmetics
  • Harsh soaps
  • Pollution
  • Jewellery
  • Detergents
  • Hair colouring
  • Some type food

Skin Allergies Controlling Tips :

Avoiding allergens and triggers is the best way to control skin allergies. With the help of few tips we can avoid skin allergies like

  • Frequently washing our hands and legs to avoid infections
  • Avoid the foods that triggers allergies
  • Use mild soaps to avoid skin allergies
  • Avoid chemical cosmetics as they damage and causes skin allergies
  • Keep your hands and legs dry to avoid fungal infection
  • Avoid being under skin for longer periods to avoid skin burns and other allergies.
  • Avoid insect bites to stay away from insect borne skin allergies
  • Take a bath after getting drenched in rain to avoid skin and scalp allergies

Skin Allergies Controlled with Homeopathy :

Homeopathy treatment for skin allergies is the superior way to deal with allergies and to control them. Homeopathy for skin allergy problems uses natural substance in the treatment and it is safe and has no side effects. Homeopathy remedies for skin allergies not just focus on allergies but also targets the triggers and root cause of allergies. Homeopathy treatment for skin allergies treats allergies, also improve skin by removing impurities from the body and gives glowing skin. Homeopathy remedies for skin allergies treat all types of skin allergies and treatment is prescribed based on the symptoms and severity of the allergies. Homeopathy also prescribes skin allergies prevention tips to the individuals which help in controlling the allergies. Skin allergies homeopathy tips not just treats skin allergies but also improves skin health and glow.