Green Tea Health Tips

Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Green tea is one of the less processed teas made from the unoxidized camellia sinensis leaves. These leaves are obtained from the plant camellia sinensis which is native to china and Asia. Green tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by pouring boiled water on camellia sinensis leaves and letting tea leaves steep for 2 to 3 minutes and can enjoy perfect aroma of tea. It is a healthier substitute to other beverages and become popular all over the world. Caffeine content in green tea is very low than other beverages. It cleanses and heals our body from inside, flush out toxins and also excess fat from our body. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients which in turn improves our immune system. Green tea is loaded with several remedial and therapeutic health benefits. It improves overall well being and health. Here is the list of health benefits of drinking green tea

Contains bioactive compounds- green tea is enriched with bioactive compounds which help to improve overall health. It also contains flavonoids, catechins and epigallocatechin gallate which act as powerful antioxidants. These protect us from cell and molecules damage.
Improve brain function- green tea contains theanine and low amount of caffeine which has psychoactive properties, helps to reduce stress and gives relaxation to the body and brain. Green tea also delays age related effects of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Helps in weight loss and reduce cholesterol- green tea improves metabolic process, reduces body fat. Consuming green tea regularly helps in weight loss. It also reduces LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in body helps to be fit.
Beneficial for heart- green tea improves ability and flow of arteries and helps to control heart diseases. It reduces LDL and cholesterol which are main triggers of cardiovascular diseases.
Prevents cancer- green tea contains polyphenols which controls the growth of tumors in the body. High antioxidants present in green tea reduce risk of several cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, throat cancer and ling cancers.
Reduce the risk of type 2 Diabetes- green tea raises insulin sensitivity and controls glucose levels by improving metabolism. People who consume green tea are at low risk of developing type 2 diabetes when compared to other people.
Avoids allergies- green tea improves immunity and self healing process of our body. It stops our body reacting to allergens and avoids several allergies. It also kills bacteria and reduces the risk of infections.
Good for liver- antioxidants present in green tea controls and helps to get rid of free radicals. It promotes healthy liver and reduces the risk of fatty liver.
Along with above health benefits green tea is also beneficial in many other ways. Green tea also helps to improve dental health, treats bad breath, healthy skin, stimulates hair growth, treats hypertension, relieves rheumatoid arthritis, controls asthma, relives stress, treats depression, treats osteoporosis, treats digestion, stomach ailments, also treats flu, headache, cough and other seasonal illnesses.

Abscess Alzheimer’s Treatments

Natural Treatment for Alzheimer’s Abscess

What is Alzheimer’s abscess?

Alzheimer’s abscess is a disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or brain injury that causes problems with memory disorders, personality changes, thinking, and behaviour. It is a continuous process of mental decline that usually occurs in the old age or in the people above age 60, caused due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It slowly shatters memory and cognitive abilities which interfere with regular routines. It is an Abscess of the left temporal lobe of the brain and is a neurological disorder. It starts mild and gets worse steadily. Alzheimer’s abscess first incorporates parts of the brain which control, thoughts, language and memory and raise problems like remembering people names, relations, and recent activities or occasions.

In later stages, it gets worse and the patients may even forget their family members, may face difficulty in reading speaking, writing and in their daily routines. Alzheimer’s disease may be caused due to factors like head injury, genetic factors, stress, brain disease, down syndrome, depression, and hypertension. Alzheimer’s has seven stages; condition of the people gets worse with aging and in the last stage the person do not remember their daily routines like drinking, eating and walking. Alzheimer’s abscess is not easy to diagnose and there is no known for Alzheimer’s, as the death of brain cells cannot be terminated or stopped. One can treat the risk of Alzheimer’s and lead a happy life by changing lifestyle like eating a healthy and balanced diet, being physically active, avoid smoking, maintain cardiovascular health and exercising the brain and by treating and diagnosing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression and cholesterol.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s abscess?

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s differ from person to person. People may experience one or more of the symptoms. Some common symptoms of Alzheimer’s abscess include

  • Memory loss
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems
  • Mood swings, confusion, hesitation
  • Impaired judgement and planning
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Difficulty with familiar task
  • Misplacing things
  • Trouble planning
  • Difficulty in communicating, writing and reading
  • Wander and may become lost
  • Repetitive actions or speech
  • Lack of interest and motivation
  • Problem in recognizing family and friends
  • Sleeplessness
  • Problem with understanding images
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities.

Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s Abscess :

Homeopathy is a natural way to treat Alzheimer’s abscess as it helps to control further deterioration of brain damage. Homeopathy offers safe treatment to the Alzheimer’s abscess. It helps to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s like depression, sleeplessness, hypertension, anxiety and many others like emotional imbalance. Homeopathy uses natural substances for treatment and hence it is safe and has no side effects. Homeopathy treatment for Alzheimer’s is based on the symptoms and physical examination of the person. Homeopathy is effective in healing the person both physically and mentally. Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s abscess is not only effective in relieving the symptoms but it impacts on the treating the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Homeopathy not only treats the infected area but it treats the person as the whole.