Elder Care Health Tips

Why Elder People Fall?

Consequences of Elder People Fall

With aging, elder people fall to lose their balance and mobility, which further results in falling. Falls are one of the major risks elderly people face and these can lead to some serious injuries and even death in few cases. Several factors can initiate falls in the elderly like aging, arthritis, diabetes, anemia, and other chronic disorders. With aging bones becomes weak and when elders slip, it leads to some serious fatal injuries like broken bones, hips, and others. In few cases, these falling accidents can also lead to deaths in elders. Usually, elders do not experience any severe symptoms before falling, but few people may have mild to moderate symptoms like dizziness, weakness, and others. Falls and fear of falls have a huge impact on elders, it affects their self-confidence and also their quality of life. Elders may isolate themselves from participating in social gatherings, going outside, and other activities due to fear of falling.

Elder people fall

Let us know a little about why elders fall and also ways to avoid falls in elders.

Causes of Elder People Falls

Several factors starting from aging, physical factors to environmental factors, and others can cause a fall or slip in elders. Here are few causes of falls in elders like

  • Balance and mobility problems
  • Vision problems
  • Low BP
  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer’s diseases
  • Dementia
  • Dehydration
  • Numbness in feet
  • Foot disorders
  • Weakness or anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Environmental factors that can lead to falls among elders are
  • Wet and slippery floor
  • Lighting problems
  • Unsafe footwear
  • Lose carpets
  • Uneven ground
  • Dark staircase

Along with the above, factors like confusion and usage of high doses or excess medications can also lead to falls in elders. Lack of exercise also triggers falls in few cases. Due to lack of exercise your bones, muscles, and joints becomes weaker and lead to balance problems. Many elders due to fear of falling stay indoors and avoid going walking and doing regular exercises, due to which their exposure to the sun also gets reduced and leads to a condition called vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency also makes your bones weak and prone to fractures when elder people fall.

Avoiding Elder People Fall

Here are few safety measures which help to avoid falls in elders like

  • Get your eyes and ears examined regularly. If you are not seeing any objects properly, you may end up falling.
  • Be physically active as this makes you flexible, improves your balance, and also controls your weight and joint stiffening problems
  • Wear right fitting shoes which have non-skid soles and also use non-slip mats in your home
  • Consult your doctor immediately, if you experience any dizziness or weakness after taking any therapy
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit your alcohol consumption
  • Keep your house and bathrooms clean and dry
  • Do not leave electric cords or any other household items in the way
  • Keep your house ventilated or switch on lights in your house if you are unable to see clearly
  • Do not try to stand or get up fastly, take your time as you may feel dizzy and aggravate fall
  • For your safety and support, you can also use walking assistive aids like canes and walkers.
Treatments Weakness

Overcome Weakness / Tiredness Problems with Homeopathy

Are you feeling weakness and tiredness even without any physical stress, then it is treated as fatigue. People feel weak and tired due to several reasons like excess work load, lack of enough sleep, stress, depression, anxiety and also due to several health disorders like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, insomnia, arthritis, obesity and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue can be both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom more than a disease.

Physical fatigue is a condition where people feel overly exhausted and also feel they have no strength and need to rest. Where as in mental fatigue people lack concentration and feel sleepy. Lack concentration while working or doing any activity may lead to injuries and accidents.

Weakness or tiredness

Common Causes of Weakness

When people are stressed or depressed, it makes them tired and also their ability to work and concentrate may decline. People also feel weak and tired due to lack of minerals. Few infections like urinary tract infections (UTI) also make people feel exhausted and weak. Few other factors which causes weak or tired fatigue are

  • Lack of exercises
  • Boredom
  • Cold and flu
  • Excess alcohol consumption

It is important to consult your doctor if you have fatigue along with other symptoms like breathing problems, sudden weight loss, haemorrhage and so on. As this may be due to serious health illnesses like anemia, heart diseases, diabetes, kidney disorders and so on. If you face fatigue or weak feeling for long time then it can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome.

Tips to overcome Weakness or Tiredness

Weakness and tiredness can be treated by following few health tips and life style changes. Here are few health tips which assist to control the fatigue symptoms

  • Eat healthy and nutritious diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Practice meditation and other methods to control stress, depression and anxiety
  • Taking prescriptions as suggested

When you feel weak for longer period even after resting along with other symptoms, it may be due to other underlying health illnesses and one should get diagnosed and treated to avoid further health complications.

As weakness is the first symptom of any illness and when it is followed with other symptoms it is not recommended to neglect the symptoms as it could be dangerous.

When people feel weak or tired frequently along with other symptoms like lot of sweating, dizziness, or others, then it is highly recommended to visit a doctor. As this may be a sign of some serious underlying chronic disorder. Early detection of chronic diseases increases the chance of cure.

Overcome Weakness and Tiredness with Homeopathy

Homeopathy treatment treats weakness and tiredness efficiently by treating the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy uses natural remedies to treat weakness and tiredness. One can easily overcome this problems with homeopathy as it not just focuses on symptoms but also treats the main cause of the problem.

Professional homeopath prescribes natural homeopathic remedies to control tiredness problems with homeopathy. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides weakness control tips with homeopathy.

The weakness control tips with homeopathy are safe and also help in quick recovery. Homeopath also provides tiredness control tips with homeopathy like exercises, healthy diet and so on. Homeopathy treatment not just focuses on treating weakness or tiredness but also focuses on overall wellbeing by improving immunity.

Health Tips Iron Deficiency

Iron Levels Improving Tips with Homeopathy

What is iron in body?

Iron is a vital mineral found in each and every cell of the body. Iron is very essential in making haemoglobin and assists in transporting oxygen throughout the body. Lack of iron is called Iron Deficiency. Iron deficiency can lead to a condition called anemia along with fatigue and lack of energy. We get iron through our diet and foods rich in iron are meat, eggs, leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, liver, dry fruits, dried beans, whole grains, legumes, almonds, Brazil nuts and many others. Iron creates energy from the nutrients.

How it helps to the body?

Iron is very important and does many things in our body. Iron with haemoglobin carries oxygen from lungs to throughout the body. All the cells in our body contain iron. Iron is a part of enzymes which assists our body to digest foods. Iron is very crucial for healthy cells, hair, skin and nails. Children need iron for their growth and development. Iron also involved in converting sugar in our body into energy. Women needs higher amount of iron than men. We tend to lose iron through sweat, urinating, in ex foliating old skin cells and women losses through menstruation.

Homeopathy treatment for iron deficiency

Iron deficiency causes and symptoms


Iron deficiency leads to anemia. Several factors lead to iron deficiency in people like

  • Inadequate iron intake
  • Heavy menstruation
  • Conceived women
  • Haemorrhage
  • Inability to absorb iron
  • Poor diet or diet low in iron rich food
  • Intake of tea or coffee at meal time
  • Peptic ulcer disease


Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency include

  • Weakness and tired feeling
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Pale skin
  • Low immunity
  • Headache Disorders
  • Brittle nails
  • Soreness
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Pale skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heart beat

Prevention tips for iron deficiency

By following iron deficiency prevention tips individuals can prevent iron deficiency, like

  • Intake of iron rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, whole grains, almonds, legumes and many more.
  • Intake of foods that helps our body absorb iron from food we eat, like citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes and many more.
  • Intake of iron supplements
  • Treating underlying causes of iron deficiency like peptic ulcers, fibroid, digestive tract cancer

Homeopathy tips for iron deficiency

Homeopathy treatment for iron deficiency is based on the symptoms and through individualization. Homeopathy provides iron deficiency disorder tips to the individuals to improve iron levels in the body. Health tips for iron levels improvement helps people in treating anemia. Iron deficiency tips in homeopathy include iron rich diet which is very crucial in treating iron deficiency. Homeopathy treatment does not have any single remedy to treat iron deficiency. Homeopathy treatment aims to treat the underlying cause of anemia and also provides treatment for overall wellbeing. Homeopathy uses natural substances in the treatment and improves immunity and body’s own healing process. Iron level improves health tips facilitated by homeopath helps in regaining required amount of iron.

Eggplant Health Tips

Skin benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant provides several health benefits like preventing osteoporosis, controlling anemia, reducing stress, controlling diabetes and so on along with flawless glowing skin.

Eggplant is a vegetable whose scientific name is solanum melongena, it is a species of solanaceae or nightshade family of genus solanum. Eggplant is also known as aubergine, melongene, garden egg, brinjal, guinea squash and nasubi. Eggplant is an edible fruit, it is known for its deeply purple, glassy skin, unique taste and texture. It is widely used in different cuisines and is available throughout the year. Eggplant is related to tomato and potato as these vegetables belong to nightshade family. Different varieties of eggplants are available like graffiti eggplant, Japanese and Chinese eggplant, fairytale eggplant, Italian eggplant, Indian eggplant, white eggplant, little green eggplant etc. All varieties differ slightly in taste and texture.

Eggplants are native to India and are cultivated in India and China since prehistory. In the beginning eggplants were used in remedies rather than in culinary. There is some written evidence that describes health benefits of eggplant written back 100 BC. In India eggplant is called as king of vegetables as it is versatile, delicious and healthy vegetable.

Nutritional Facts of Brinjal :

Brinjal is good for health as it is low in calories, fat, high in fibre, loaded with vitamins, minerals and other health promoting compounds. Brinjal contains vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It is also rich in folates, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamin. It also contain low amount of vitamin A. All these vitamins are important for our body to improve immunity, digestion and metabolism.
Brinjal contains important minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc that are essential to do different body functions and important for building bones, muscles, nerve function and metabolic process. Brinjal also contains compounds like chlorogenic acid, anthocyanins and nasunin.

Health Benefits of Brinjal :

Brinjal with important nutrients provide numerous health benefits.
Brain food– phytonutrients present in brinjal protects cell membranes from damage, promotes blood flow throughout the brain, boosts cognitive activity and general mental health.
Fights cancers– eggplant contains vitamin C, antioxidants and polyphenols that strengthens immune system, have anticancer properties, protects cells from free radicals and treat tumor growth.
Digestion and weight lose– brinjals are low in calories and rich in fibre which helps in weight lose. It gives feeling of satiety and treat overeating. Fibre improves digestion and regular movement of bowels.
Good for liver health– eggplants helps to increase the production of bile in liver and treat the chance of liver failure.
Improves bone health– nutrients like iron, calcium, copper, vitamin K and potassium present in brinjal helps in providing strong and healthy bones. Eggplant helps in treating osteoporosis and improves overall bone health.
Good for diabetes– eggplants are low in carbohydrates and has high fibre which controls the absorption of glucose and regulates sugar levels.
Good for skin and hair– nutrients present in brinjal are good for both skin and hair. It gives soft, glowing skin, and promotes anti aging properties. Brinjal keeps our scalp healthy and promotes hair growth.
Some other eggplant health benefits are treated allergies, improves vision, treats migraines, headaches, good for pregnant women and treats anemia.

Fruits Health Tips

Health benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are the all time favourites for all age groups from children to elders. They belong to the yellow and orange fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamin C, iron and antioxidants. Mangoes also help in digestion and treats anemia.
Mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world for their taste, flavour and nutritional values. A mango whose scientific name is magnifera indica belongs to the cashew family Ancardiaceae. Mangoes are originated in South Asia and India over 4000 years ago. Mangoes are called as the king of fruits due to its unique taste, high nutritional values and health benefits. Mango is the national fruit of India. Summer is the season of fresh and juicy mangoes. Mangoes acts as coolant agent and mangoes have vitamins and minerals that help in treating dehydration problems in summer.

In India different types or varieties of mangoes are available like Alphonso, Banginapally, Chausa, Dussehri, Kesar, Langra, Totapuri, Himsagar and Kishan Bhog. Each variety or type has a different and unique texture and flavour.
Mangoes are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and iron are present in mangoes. Good amount of Vitamins are there in mangoes like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K and other B vitamins. Mangoes are rich in fibrepolyphenols, carotenoids, omega-3 and contain low calories. Mangoes are good food for all age groups starting with children to elder people. Mangoes are also useful for diabetic people in moderate amounts. Kids love eating mangoes and mango milkshakes, including mangoes in their diet helps to improve their health and immunity.

Benefits of Mangoes :

Mangoes for improving memory
Mangoes contain glutamine acids which help to keep cells active and improve memory. Including mangoes in diet help to maintain adequate level of glutamine acid in kids which improve brain functions and memory. Mangoes help children with lack of concentration by improving memory.
Vitamin B6 present in mangoes helps in improving brain function by maintaining efficient nervous system. Vitamin B6 is known as energy booster, it controls stress and enhance mood.
Mangoes boosts immune system
Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids which are helpful in boosting immune system. Mangoes contain 25 different types of carotenoids which improves immune system. Carotenoids are well known for their antioxidant qualities which protect our body and health. Vitamin C present in mangoes is also an antioxidant which improves our immune system. Vitamin A present in mangoes supports proper bone growth and good health.
Mangoes promotes good eye sight
Vitamin A and vitamin E in mangoes are very helpful for good eyesight. Mangoes help to protect your eye from problems like dryness of the eye, night blindness, softening of the cornea, refractive errors, itching and burning in the eye. One cup of mango pieces provides 25% of daily recommended level of vitamin A which is required for good vision. Mangoes are also good source of lutein and zeaxanthin which are helpful in treating the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Mangoes are good source of these vision promoting nutrients which improves eye health.
Mangoes benefits our health by helps in digestion, good for heart, treat cancers, treats anemia, weight gain, controls cholesterol and also beneficial for skin.

Anemia Treatments

Overview about Anemia

Are you feeling weak along with other signs like abnormal heart rate, dizziness, fainting and also breathlessness, it can be due to a health condition called anemia. Anemia is mainly caused due to menstrual problems, kidney failure, thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and also due to cancer.

Anemia is a condition, where the hemoglobin in our body is low. In people with anemia does not carry enough oxygen to the body tissues. Common cause of anemia is lack of iron, if we do not have iron our body produces less number or low cells. Anemia can be temporary or long run and it can be mild to severe. It is the common disorder in the people.

Types of Anemia :

There are different types of anemia, symptoms of anemia can be mild to severe depending on the type. The following are the different types of anemia

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Vitamin deficiency anemia
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Anemia of chronic disease
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Anemia associated with bone marrow disease
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Other anemias.

Causes of Anemia :

Any process or condition that affects the balance between production and destruction cells in the body causes anemia.
Decreased production of cells– Due to inadequate intake of iron, vitamin B12, and folate. Due to hypothyroidism
Increased destruction of cells– Due to hereditary defects, enzyme deficiencies, intrinsic abnormalities.
Fluid overload- due to excessive intake of fluid or sodium.
Intestinal inflammation– due to gluten related disorders and inflammatory diseases.
Family history, thalassemia, chronic conditions (cancer, kidney failure), intestinal disorders and malarial anemia can also cause anemia in some people.

Symptoms of Anemia :

If anemia is in the beginning stages or mild, it may not have any symptoms, but in chronic anemia there may not be any symptoms until anemia becomes severe. Some common symptoms of anemia are

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Palpitation (irregular heartbeat)
  • Looking pale or yellowish skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Hair loss

How to Identify it :

Experts may suggest some test, based on the results of the tests, through complete evaluation of the person and through some more tests expert can find out the exact cause of anemia. Physical examination and history like family history also plays an important role in finding the causes of anemia.

Homeopathy for Anemia :

Homeopathic remedies made of natural substances is very effective in treating anemia. Increase in the red blood count is more important in treating anemia, generally fifty percent of the people with anemia can be treated with proper and nutritious diet.