Diarrhea Treatments

Know About Diarrhea? Best Homeopathy Treatment for Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is one of the most common problems where people face loose, watery stools and also increased number of stools. Several factors like unhealthy diet, viral or bacterial infections, Crohn’s disease and food poisoning usually leads to this problem. Though it cures by itself, it may lead to several complications like dehydration, abdominal cramps, nausea, fatigue, decreased appetite and so on. In most of the cases, it may last for few days but in severe cases like inflammatory bowel disease, chronic infections, irritable bowel syndrome and so on it may last for few weeks. This condition is most common in children and in severe cases it can lead to several complications.

Types of Diarrhea

There are two types namely acute and chronic.

  • Acute diarrhea- In this type, the problem lasts for two to three days. This type is commonly seen and this may be due to unhygienic food, viral and bacterial infections. Few people also develop this acute type while traveling due to contact with virus or bacteria and this type is called as traveller’s diarrhea.
  • Chronic diarrhea- When people struggle with this problem for more than two weeks, it is called as chronic disease This Chronic condition can be due to several underlying health problems like intestinal diseases like Crohn’s disease.

Diarrhea Disorders

Causes of Diarrhea:

It can be caused due to several factors like

  • Food allergies
  • Viral infections
  • Bacterial infections
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Digestive problems like Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome and so on.
  • Artificial substances used in preparing food
  • Due to several prescriptions and invasive treatments.

This disorder can also be caused due to other factors like viral gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer and so on.

Symptoms of Diarrhea:

The symptoms of this condition mainly depend on the cause of it. The most common symptoms people face are

  • Frequent watery and loose stool
  • Increased quantity of stool
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Dry mouth and dry skin
  • Bloating
  • Weakness
  • Red or maroon coloured stool

If you experience these symptoms for more than three to four days, it is advised to meet specialist as it can lead to complications like weakness, dehydration, dizziness and also light headedness. In order to avoid dehydration and other problems drink plenty of fluids, ORS and liquids.

Homeopathy treatment for Diarrhea:

Homeopathy treatment for diarrhea disorders works by controlling the frequency of passing stools and severity of symptoms. These disorders control through homeopathy is safe and the remedies used also are natural and are non toxic. Homeopathic remedies are extracted from natural substances like plants, vegetables and other natural minerals. Homeopathy for diarrhea disorders is prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individuals. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides disorder control tips. These disorders overcome tips include mild diet, intake of fluids and others. These homeopathy tips for this disorders are safe and also help in quick recovery by controlling the cramps and revitalizing the body.

Health Tips Monsoon Diseases

Health Care Tips of Monsoon Diseases

What are Monsoon Diseases?

Though monsoon is beautiful and enjoying with its cool breeze and rain drops, it also brings along several diseases. As we all know changes in weather directly influences our health. Cool and humid weather in monsoon affects our immune system and increase the risk of several diseases. Especially children and elders are at an increased risk of several diseases. The weather in monsoon is perfect breeding time for several insects, bacteria and pests. Many people in monsoon gets affected with mosquito borne diseases, air borne diseases, water borne diseases and others like seasonal allergies and infections.

Here is the list of few most common monsoon diseases

  • Cold and cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Chicken pox
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • Malaria
  • Fungal infections
  • Leptospirosis
  • Stomach infections
  • Hepatitis A
  • Pneumonia
  • Several allergies
  • Skin and scalp infections
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Sinusitis

Health care Tips in Monsoon Season

Along with the above illnesses elders also face increase in joint pains. Monsoon also triggers asthma attack in people who are suffering from asthma.

How to stay away from Monsoon Disorders?

Prevention is the ultimate way to protect ourselves from these monsoon diseases. By following few monsoon diseases prevention tips we can control the monsoon diseases. Monsoon diseases control tips include

  • Keep your house and surroundings clean and avoid water stagnation.
  • Use mosquito repellent creams to safe guard your children and family from mosquito bites.
  • Carry rain gear to protect yourself from rain
  • Keep yourself and your house dry.
  • Take a bath soon after reaching home when you get drenched in rain to avoid skin allergies
  • Drink boiled and warm water to avoid water borne diseases
  • Avoid junk and outside food to avoid food poisoning.
  • Adjust the temperature in house to avoid cold and cough
  • Wash hands and feet frequently to avoid infections, allergies and germs.
  • Stay away from infected persons.

What are the Major Signs of Monsoon Disorders?

People with monsoon disorders may have few signs and symptoms like

  • Cough
  • Blocked nose
  • Sore throat
  • Fever with chills
  • Body ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes on skin and scalp
  • Loss of appetite

Overcome tips for Monsoon Disorders

Homeopathy works very efficiently in treating monsoon diseases. Homeopathy treatment improves immunity and healing process of body and treats many monsoon diseases. Homeopathic remedies for monsoon diseases are safe as they are made of natural substances like plants, vegetables and other natural minerals. A homeopath along with treatment for monsoon disorders also provides several health tips for monsoon diseases. Homeopathy health tips for monsoon diseases include healthy diet, regular exercises and so on for quick recovery and also helps to improve immunity. A homeopathy doctor prescribes treatment based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy treatment differs from each individual based on the symptoms and health history of the individual. Homeopathy treatment and health tips for monsoon diseases are safe, free from side effects and are suitable for all age groups.

Dengue Health Tips

Dengue Effects in Monsoon and Prevention Tips

Dengue and its effects in monsoon

Dengue is a severe mosquito borne disease. It is one among the acute life- threatening viral infections carried by mosquitoes named Aedes Aegypti. These mosquitoes carry the virus by biting an infected person. When these mosquitoes bite an infected person the virus enters the mosquito and when this infected mosquito bites a healthy person the virus enters the healthy person and leads to dengue. The virus develops and causes dengue haemorrhagic fever which in turn leads to haemorrhage. The infected person faces drop in platelet count which can be life- threatening. People with dengue face severe symptoms like high fever, skin rash, headache, severe body pains, severe muscle and joint pains. Few other symptoms of dengue include chills, vomiting and diarrhea. According to WHO (world health organization) dengue causes 50-100 million infections every year. Dengue fever mainly spreads in monsoon. Though the disease occurs in other seasons also, but it is peak in monsoon. Monsoon is the breading season for many diseases. Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes reproduce in monsoon season and spread vigorously. Conditions like stagnant water, open drains and so on ideal for these mosquitoes to grow.

Prevention tips to Overcome Dengue Disorder

In order to prevent these deadly diseases we should follow few dengue preventive tips and measures like

  • Use mosquito repellent creams
  • Use mosquito nets
  • Maintain hygiene
  • Prevent stagnant water to avoid mosquito breeding
  • Stay away from infected people
  • Follow healthy diet plan
  • Wear long sleeve dresses and cover yourselves
  • Avoid crowded areas and unhygienic places
  • Cover water storing containers

Dengue Effects in Monsoon and Prevention Tips

Keep the doors and windows closed

Children are at an increased risk of developing seasonal diseases like dengue, malaria, swine flu and so on. Due to low immune system they can become severely ill and in few cases it can also be life-threatening. It is very important to avoid these viral diseases. Aged people are also at an increased risk of developing these viral infections along with kids. Prevention is always better than cure, in order to avoid further health complications it is very important to avoid these infections by following dengue control tips.

How to overcome Dengue in Monsoon season

Regrettably there is no drug available presently in order to avoid dengue. Taking precautionary steps is very essential to eliminate these deadly viral infections. It is very important to get diagnosed and treated if an individual is infected with dengue in order to avoid further severe complications. Though in few cases dengue fever resolves itself but one may need to be hospitalized to avoid health issues. Depending on the severity of the disease it is important to take doctors advice and be under observation.

Homeopathy treatment for dengue

Homeopathy treats dengue naturally and effectively. Homeopathic remedies for dengue are made of natural remedies extracted from natural substances. Homeopaths along with treatment also offer several health tips for dengue effects. These homeopathy health tips for dengue have no side effects; they are safe and can be used by all age groups.

Health Tips Plague Disorder

Health Tips to Overcome Plague Disorder

How Plague Disorder arises?

If you face few symptoms like high fever, fatigue, chills, headache, abdominal cramps along with breathing disorders, chest pain and so on it can be due to plague. Though plague is a rare disease but it can lead to severe health complications.

Plague is a severe bacterial infection caused due to bacteria called Yersinia pestis. It is an acute disease which can be life threatening. Plague is also called as black plague or Black Death. The bacterium is generally found in animals like rats, squirrels and others. This bacterium is usually transmitted from animals to humans through fleas. As it is transmitted from animals, it is treated as zoonotic disease. Poor sanitation areas, overcrowded areas with rodents increase the risk of plague. This disease is mostly seen in Africa and Asia. There are different types of plague like

  1. Bubonic plague- in this type of infection our lymph system of immune system gets infected
  2. Septicemic plague- in this type the bacteria enter our body fluids and easily grow faster.
  3. Pneumonic plague- in this type the bacteria enter lungs and causes infection. This is the only type of plague which spreads from one person to another. When an infected person cough or sneeze, the bacteria enter the air. When a non-infected person breath the air he may also get effected with

Tips to Overcome Plague Disorders

Plague Disorder causes and symptoms


Plague is mainly caused due to Yersinia pestis Bacteria which are spread through fleas. Also spread through scratches or bites from infected pets. It also spread when we come in contact with fluids or tissues of infected animals. A type of plague called pneumonic plague is also spread from one person to another through direct contact.


Symptoms of plague start within two to six days of infection. Symptoms of plague differ from each type of plague like

  • Bubonic plague- in this type people face symptoms like high fever, seizures, chills, Muscle pain, weakness and headache.
  • Septicemic plague- in this type also people face symptoms bubonic plague i.e. fever, chills and weakness, along with other symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea. Few people also have haemorrhage mouth, nose and rectum.
  • Pneumonic plague- this is the most serious type of plague and symptoms begins within one day of infection. Along with the above symptoms people also have other symptoms like breathing disorders, chest pain and hemoptysis.

Overcome Plague Disorder

One can control the disease through plague disorder overcome tips like

  • Keeping rodents away from house
  • Getting pets vaccine regularly
  • Use repellent creams to avoid infections
  • Staying away from infected persons
  • Wear gloves while handling pets

Homeopathic tips for Plague Disorder

Homeopathy is a holistic way of treating plague using natural remedies. Homeopathic remedies for plague disorders are made of natural substances extracted from plants, Vegetables and minerals. Homeopathy treatment for plague disorders works by controlling the symptoms and improving immunity. Homeopathy treatment is safe, away from side effects and can also be used to all age groups. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides health tips for plague disorder. Homeopathy health tips for plague disorders include rest, eating light food, staying away from other family members to avoid spreading the disease and so on. Homeopathy not just focuses on particular health problem like plague but aims at overall wellbeing of individual.

Health Tips Rabies Disorders

Tips to Overcome Rabies Disorders

What is Rabies Disorder?

Rabies disorder is a viral infection spread by bite or saliva of an infected animal. It is a life threatening and viral disorder which is spread through bite of rabid animal to other animals or humans. The rabies virus affects the central nervous system and spread to spinal cord, leads to inflammation in brain, brain diseases and death. Bites and scratches of animals like dogs, foxes, bats and other animals lead to rabies. Animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, bats, raccoons, foxes and skunks transfer rabies virus. Rabies can be controlled with early treatments and vaccines. Rabies disorder leads to thousands of death’s every year. People should take treatment as soon as possible when bitten by an animal and before any symptoms of disease like fever, headache, nausea and insomnia. When the symptoms of rabies appear, the disease becomes fatal. The symptoms usually appear after 4 to 12 weeks of incubation period. Incubation period differs for each individual. There are two types of rabies disorders like furious rabies and paralytic rabies. Rabies is mainly caused due to bites or scratch from infected animal animals, virus in saliva enters into open wounds and also when an infected animal licks individual’s eyes, nose and mouth.

Homeopathy Treatment for Rabies Disorders

Symptoms of rabies disorder

In the initial stages include general symptoms like flu, fever, and headache and in later stages the symptoms worsen and lead to coma and death. Few symptoms of Rabies disorder include

  • Flu Disorders
  • Headache also provides
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Pain and tingling feeling at the place of bite
  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased salivation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Hydrophobia or fear of water
  • Insomnia
  • Partial paralysis
  • Coma

Rabies disorder tips for healthy life

People can prevent or control the risk of rabies disorders by following simple measures and taking good care of their pet. Few tips to overcome rabies disorders include

  • Get your pets regularly vaccinated
  • Keep your pets away from wild animals and roaming outsides
  • If you find a stray animal report immediately to the pet control authorities
  • Stay away from wild animals and animals that have the symptoms of rabies.
  • Get rabies vaccination when you work close with pets or handling pets
  • Preventing bats from the living areas as they mainly cause rabies diseases.
  • Veterinarian doctors and lab technicians who deal with rabies virus should

Homeopathy tips for Rabies disorders

Homeopathy for rabies disorders is a holistic system that works efficiently in treating rabies. Homeopathic remedies for rabies disorders are in the form of pills and liquids, safe and made of natural substances. Homeopathy treatment mainly focuses on improving immunity and self healing process of the body. Homeopathy for rabies disorders is prescribed based on symptoms, severity and individualization theory. Homeopathic remedies for rabies disorders are free of side effects and can be used for all age groups. Along with homeopathy treatment for rabies a professional homeopath also suggest rabies disorders relief tips through running, walking and improving the general health.

Health Tips Malaria Disorders

Tips to Malaria Disorders

What is Malaria Disorder?

Malaria disorder is a parasitic disorder which is transmitted by infected female anopheles mosquito. The parasite enters into our body when mosquito bites. These parasites travel to liver and grow faster and infect our RBC. Malaria is a dangerous disease which can be life threatening. Malaria does not spread from person to person directly. Malaria is mostly seen in tropical and subtropical climate countries like Africa, Asia, Papua New Guinea and western pacific islands. There are different types of species of plasmodium parasite that can infect people like plasmodium vivax, plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium malariae, and plasmodium ovale and plasmodium knowlesi. Among these plasmodium falciparum is the severe and can lead to death. An infected mother passes the virus to her child at the time of birth.

An infected person may have symptoms like fever, chills, headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, body ache, diarrhea and anemia. In few cases especially in young children seizures may also occur. Symptoms and severity of symptoms vary depending on the species that affected. The symptoms of malaria are seen within 10 days. Malaria is mainly caused by mosquito bite and it can also be passed from an infected mother to her child. Transmission of malaria from mother to her child is called congenital malaria. In few cases it can also be through organ transplant, transfusion and may also be due to sharing the needles and syringes. Malaria can lead to several complications like

  • Cerebral malaria or swelling of vessels in brain
  • Pulmonary edema or fluid accumulation
  • Organ damage like kidney and liver
  • Low sugar levels.
  • Several tests and procedures are available to treat malaria. With these tests the doctors can easily identify if any organ got affected and provide appropriate treatment. Treatment will be prescribed based on the type of parasite that infected.

Homeopathy Tips for Malaria Disorders

Malaria control tips for healthy life

Here are few tips to overcome malaria

  • Consult your doctor and take preventive malaria treatment when you are traveling to malarial regions.
  • Use mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Use bug sprays and mosquito repellent creams.
  • Cover your body
  • Keep your house and surroundings clean
  • Know the symptoms of malaria and visit your doctor when you are feeling unwell.
  • Use insecticides in rooms
  • Avoid traveling if not necessary
  • If possible close all the Doors and windows to avoid mosquitoes entering
  • People can control malaria relief tips through running, walking, by staying healthy and by improving immunity.

Homeopathy tips for Malaria disorders

Homeopathy for Malaria is a holistic approach towards the disease. Homeopathy for Malaria works very effectively and also gives relief from symptoms like fever, chills, body ache, anemia and etc. Homeopathic remedies for Malaria are made of natural substances obtained from plants, vegetables and natural minerals. Homeopathic remedies for malaria have no side effects, safe and are useful to all age groups including conceived women and children. Homeopathy treatment is provided based on the symptoms and individualization theory as symptoms and severity differs from each individual. Homeopathy not just focuses on malaria and its symptoms but treats an individual as whole and targets on overall well being of individual.

Hands Health Tips

How to Wash Your Hands for Disease Control

Washing your hands frequently is a simple and most important way to keep germs away and to prevent infections. It is one of the most efficient ways to prevent germs from spreading. Washing your hands frequently before and after certain activities like playing and working reduce the risk and spread of respiratory diseases and diarrhea. By washing your hands often you can not only protect yourself from infections and germs but also others by eliminating spread of diseases to others through personal contact. Washing hands frequently and keeping them dry is one of the foremost good habit parents should teach their children. Children should avoid keeping their hands near mouth, eyes and nose to avoid many seasonal infections, flu, germs and other diseases which spread through personal touch and unhygienic hands. Children who do not wash their hands and keep their hands near face are at increased risk of developing diseases and often get sick. People more importantly children should wash their hands with soap or hand wash and clean running water to avoid germs and dust.

Germs like salmonella and norovirus are very dangerous and can spread diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, fever and respiratory infections by hand shake, touching toilet seat, objects and other activities. These germs stick to our hands and when we keep our hands near mouth, nose and eyes, they enter into our body and develop many diseases. We can avoid such diseases and infections by washing our hands frequently and getting rid of those germs. Germs in hands if not washed enters into food and drinks when we touch them or prepare food, these germs affects whole family when they consume contaminated food and leads to diseases and also food poisoning.
In seasons like monsoon and winter where we are at high risk of diseases like cold, flu and infections, we can avoid them by washing hands properly. In these seasons it is important to wash our hands more frequently. Hygiene is important to avoid infections and a great defence against germs.

People should Wash their Hands frequently in these below Conditions :

  • People should wash their hands before and after preparing food
  • Before and after eating
  • After coming from school and outside
  • After using toilet
  • After coughing and sneezing
  • After changing diapers and cleaning children after using toilets
  • After playing outdoor and indoor games
  • After playing with pets
  • Before and after treating your sick child or other family members
  • Before and after cleaning and nursing wounds and cuts
  • Handling garden, garbage and chemical products for cleaning

Steps or ways to Wash your Hands :

These 5 steps need to be followed to wash your hands in right way

  • Wet your hands with running water and apply soap or hand wash
  • Foam your hands by rubbing the hands front, back, between fingers and beneath your nails properly
  • Scrub your hands nicely for minimum 20 seconds to get rid of germs
  • Rinse your hands well with clean water until you remove soap from your hands
  • Dry your hands after washing with towel to avoid wet hands and fungal infection.
Allopathy Health Tips

Homeopathy VS Allopathy

Homeopathy is based on the idea Like Cures Like i.e. a substance that is efficient of producing disease in a healthy person will cure similar symptoms present in sick person. Where as in Allopathy a disease is treated by standard means i.e. with substances or remedies that are having opposite effects to the symptoms. Both Homeopathy and Allopathy are invented by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy a system of alternative treatment or natural treatment where as allopathy is treated as western treatment or evidence based treatment. Homeopathy treatment aims to cure the root cause of the problem where as allopathy gives only partial cure i.e. it cures only the infection or disease but not the cause.

Homeopathy treatment supports body’s natural response and symptoms of attacking the root cause, whereas allopathy attacks symptoms of healing or body’s natural response. Homeopathy treatments have no side effects as it is made of natural substances but allopathy treatment has some mild side effects like fatigue, constipation, dizziness and others. Homeopathy treatment is not addictive as they are made from plant and other natural substances whereas allopathy treatment can become addictive.

Allopathy treatment is considered to be fast and gives quick relief whereas homeopathy treatment takes little time as it aims to treat the root cause of the problem forever. Homeopathy is considered to be best in case of treating and controlling hair fall but allopathy is less effective when compared to homeopathy in treating hair and scalp problems like hair fall, scalp infections and more.

Homeopathy treats the patients based on or according to the symptoms of the patient and allopathy treats according to the disease. Both homeopathy treatment and allopathy treatment act treat and has quite opposite approach. Homeopathy mainly focuses on improving body’s immune system to make it strong to resist different diseases whereas allopathy focuses on identifying a disease or infection and cures it with selected remedy. Homeopathy is a holistic approach that improves overall wellbeing of individual. Allopathy focuses on treating only illness with pills, they only focus on illness but not causes.

Homeopathy treatment is offered based on individual need depending on the symptoms as each individual have different symptoms and the treatment is different from person to person. Allopathy offers same treatment to the individuals depending on the disease like flu and fever as it has no individualization like homeopathy. Allopathy uses chemicals and antibiotics in the treatment to get fast results whereas homeopathy uses natural substances extracted from plants, vegetables, minerals and animal based in the treatment.

Both homeopathy and allopathy are effective in treating individuals but they differ in end goal. Homeopathy offers treatment for overall improvement, wellbeing of individuals and with a goal to improve immune system. Whereas allopathy treatment mainly focus on treating the illness but not overall development. Even though both are efficient allopathic treatment is quicker than homeopathy but has some side effects whereas homeopathy takes some time to improve overall wellbeing and immune system of individuals. Homeopathy is safe and has no side effects when compared to allopathy.

Bitter Gourd Health Tips

Surprising benefits of Bitter Gourd

Explain about Bitter Gourd?

Bitter gourd is also known as bitter melon or karela, its scientific name is Momordica charantia and it belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. It is originated in India and introduced to China. It is widely used in India and tropical countries like China, Thailand, East Africa and Asia. It is the bitterest vegetable among all the vegetables. It is a powerhouse of several nutrients that improve overall health. It is a vegetable that is widely used in Ayurvedic, herbal and traditional Chinese remedies. Usually they are dark and light green in colour but its size, colour and bitterness differs depending on the region they are grown. In India it is green or white in colour, has a narrow shape with pointed ends and surface covered with triangular ridges. Bitter gourd juice is also very beneficial for health. Bitter gourd is used in various dishes like stir fries, soups, herbal teas and prepared as fresh pickles. Different spices, lemon juice, honey and jiggery are used to control the bitterness. It control cancers, treats diabetes, fever and infections.

bitter gaurd

Nutrient factors present in Bitter Gourd :

Besides its bitter taste, it is a good source of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. It is very good and nutritious when compared to many other vegetables and fruits. It contains important minerals like zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and copper. It is a very good source of dietary fibre and contains cellulose that helps digestion. Bitter gourds are very low in calories.
It contains essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, folate, niacin and riboflavin. It acts as a powerful natural antioxidant. Bitter gourd is a good source of flavonoids like β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are very beneficial for health and fight against aging, cancers and various disease processes. Bitter gourd contains an insulin compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which helps to control diabetes naturally. The antioxidant properties present in bitter gourd acts as purifiers.

Surprising benefits of Bitter Gourd :

Even though it is bitter in taste it is loaded with important nutrients, minerals and vitamins, which we need for healthy and happy life. Health benefits of bitter gourd are

  • Helpful in diabetes
  • Improves immunity
  • Controls various types of cancers and stops cancer cells from multiplying
  • Treats respiratory problems like asthma, cold and cough
  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels and helps in weight loss
  • Treats skin problems and inflammation
  • Bitter gourd juice helps in treating piles
  • Improves digestion
  • Good for hair
  • Maintains Bp levels
  • Improves liver health
  • Treats kidney stones and bladder disorders
  • Control heart diseases and helps in healthy heart
  • Fights virus and bacterial infections
  • Stimulate stamina and energy levels in the body
  • Treats eye disorders and strengthens eyesight
  • Helps in treating jaundice
  • Helps in treating emotional disorders like anxiety and depression
  • Useful and effective in treating HIV and AIDS infections
  • Beneficial for women overall health (treats menstrual problems and female genital tract problems).
H1N1 Influenza Treatments

Know the Causes/Symptoms of H1N1 Influenza

H1N1 influenza is also known as Swine flu and it is a viral infection. Swine flu is a contagious respiratory disease. Swine flu symptoms are same as seasonal influenza in people. It is originated in pigs and now spreading from person to person. Swine flu spreads in flu seasons just like other common seasonal flu. Swine flu spreads fast from person to person through air with a simple cough and sneeze and causes fever, headache, chills, fatigue and so on. Swine flu is a severe condition which can be life threatening. Swine flu virus sticks on things like tables, chairs, doorknobs and attacks when a person comes in contact with these.


What Causes H1N1 Influenza :

H1N1 Influenza is caused by a virus that infects pigs. This virus mutated in a way such that it can also affect humans. Mutation is a process where the viruses change their genes. Swine flu is very contagious and spread through saliva and mucus particles. This influenza virus enters body through eyes, nose and mouth. Coughing and sneezing releases the germs into air and these germs easily enters other persons through breath. H1N1 virus also rest on hard surfaces like chairs, tables etc, when a person touches them this virus stick to their hands and when he touch his hand near eyes or nose or mouth the virus easily enters the body.


Symptoms of H1N1 Influenza :

Symptoms of this virus starts 3 days after a person have been exposed to virus and lasts up to 7-8 days. Symptoms are

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Body aches
  • Chills
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Running nose
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting

Like the regular flu, swine flu can also lead to more problems like lung infections and breathing problems. Affect of swine flu is severe on infants, children, elder people, and pregnant women and in people with asthma, diabetes, and lung problems.
Good way to avoid swine flu is to get seasonal flu vaccines. There are two types of flu vaccine they are trivalent flu vaccine and quadrivalent vaccine. Easy ways to prevent H1N1 flu are

  • Frequently washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • Avoid going to large gatherings.

When you get sick avoid going out and stay at home until your fever breaks or until you are fine.

How to Identify it :

H1N1flu is the same as normal seasonal flu in general. The severity of the symptoms varies from mild to severe and sometimes requires hospitalization and emergency treatment. In some cases, severe complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure can cause death. Few signs that H1N1 flu requires immediate treatment include

  • Trouble breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trouble waking up

Symptoms of flu go away and come back with high fever, cough and cold
Fever with rash.

Homeopathy Treatment for H1N1 Influenza :

It is possible to prevent H1N1 influenza with homeopathy. Homeopathic preventive treatment should be given to all healthy people from infants to elder people; it can also be given to pregnant women. Based on symptoms homeopathy can offer an effective H1N1 Influenza treatment or swine flu treatment. Homeopathy treatment for H1N1 Influenza mainly focuses on improving immunity to fight against the virus.