Health Tips Infertility Thyroid

Does Thyroid Problem Effect on Fertility

Want to Know The Connection Between Thyroid Problem Effect on Fertility

If you are facing difficulties getting conceived and planning to undergo infertility treatments, step back for once and check the functioning of your thyroid gland. As abnormal thyroid functioning has adverse effects on your reproductive health and leads to an effect on fertility problems in many people. Thyroid disorder is one of the most common causes of infertility problems. It is very important to check the functioning of the thyroid gland as it not only leads to infertility but in few conceived women it also impairs the growth and development of the fetus and can also lead to miscarriages. Especially an underactive thyroid gland affects your ovulation and stops you from conceiving. Both men and women get affected with thyroid disorders and face infertility problems.

Thyroid Problem Effect on Fertility

Let us in a brief discussion about the thyroid, its problems, and also how it affects your fertility.

Thyroid problem

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland present in the base of your neck. It produces the two most important thyroid hormones namely triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which further help in controlling our metabolism and growth and development. Several factors like genetics, infections, autoimmune disorders, stress, and others affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and lead to thyroid disorders. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the two most commonly seen thyroid disorders that affect your fertility. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones, whereas hyperthyroidism is a condition where excess thyroid hormones are produced and released. People with thyroid face infertility symptoms like irregular periods, ovulation problems, frequent miscarriages, and so on.

Why thyroid effect on fertility?

There is a link between women’s fertility and thyroid disorders. Even though both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism affect your fertility chances, it is more severe with hypothyroidism.

Can hypothyroidism cause infertility? This is the most common question seen in people especially in women with hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones. This lack of essential hormones interferes with your menstrual cycles and leads to ovulation problems. both hypothyroidism and ovulation are directly connected, due to the absence or lack of eggs to be fertilized, it directly impacts your fertility chances. In few cases even if the egg is released, that fertilized egg fails to attach to the uterus. Women with hypothyroidism also face low basal body temperature, which makes it difficult for the embryo to develop and thus triggers miscarriages. In addition to these, the major causes which trigger hypothyroidism in women like autoimmune disorders or pituitary disorders also compromise your fertility chances.

For those women who want to improve their fertility chances, it is important to control hypothyroidism. Even after conceiving, women with hypothyroidism need close monitoring to avoid complications like miscarriages, birth defects, fetal growth and development problems, and so on.

Other complications of thyroid

Apart from fertility, the thyroid if left untreated also leads to several other complications like vision problems, heart problems, osteoporosis, nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy), goiter, depression, cholesterol, and so on. In rare cases, if severe hypothyroidism is left untreated, leads to a life-threatening condition called myxedema. People with signs of this condition should have immediate treatment.

Health Tips Thyroid

Do Men have the Risk of Thyroid?

Overview of Thyroid problem in Men

Is thyroid just a women’s issue?

Many people think thyroid as a women’s problem, but it is not true, the thyroid also affects men. Women are indeed eight times more likely to face thyroid problems than men. Thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland are very crucial for both men and women and any abnormalities or thyroid dysfunctions can lead to thyroid symptoms or hyperthyroidism and an underactive thyroid gland leads to hypothyroidism. Men commonly face different thyroid problems like hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves disease, and thyroid cancers. Men with thyroid problems face several symptoms based on the type of thyroid problem they have. They also with hypothyroidism face symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, low libido, infertility, depression, constipation, feeling cold, and so on. Sometimes it also leads to symptoms like weight loss, insomnia, skin problems, appetite problems, abnormal heartbeat, and so on. Thyroid symptoms in men and their severity differ based on their health condition and severity of their thyroid.

Thyroid Problems in Men

Causes of thyroid in men

Many factors can lead to thyroid problems in men. Factors like a heavyweight, obesity, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise or physical activities, and others can lead to thyroid problems. Genetics also plays a very important role in male thyroid problems. If a male person in the family has thyroid problems, then their kids are more likely to face thyroid problems. Thyroid gland removal is also one of the causes of thyroid in men, especially hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is removed due to conditions like thyroid tumors or also due to a damaged thyroid gland. It is also believed that selenium deficiency also triggers the risk of thyroid problems in men, especially Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Abnormal testosterone levels in men are also said to cause thyroid problems. Low testosterone levels can also trigger the risk of the thyroid.

Does it lead to infertility in the future?

Thyroid problems affect men in several ways, it affects their metabolism, energy, and also their reproductive health. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to fertility problems in men. Hypothyroidism affects fertility in men by affecting the production of quality sperm and also produces low motility sperm. Men with hypothyroidism also face problems like low libido and erectile dysfunction. These two can also trigger infertility in men.

Men with hyperthyroidism also face infertility problems. Hyperthyroidism affects the production of male fertility hormone named testosterone. Abnormal testosterone affects the production of quality sperm in men and increases the risk of infertility. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis also leads to infertility problems in men and this is due to abnormal testosterone.

Men who are facing infertility problems should get tested for thyroid problems as well along with other problems. To eliminate these fertility problems along with other health complications, early diagnosis and treatment of thyroid problems are very important. Along with infertility, thyroid problems in men also lead to several other problems like obesity, heart problems like stroke and attack, and so on.

Health Tips

What does Alcohol do to your Body?

Need to recognize the influence of alcohol conception

Why alcohol is not safe?

Even though alcohol consumption makes you feel happy, energetic, relaxed, and confident, it affects each organ in your body. When you take one sip of alcohol, it remains for approximately two hours in your body. Taking one glass of alcohol during special occasions may not affect you negatively, but regular and excess intake definitely has serious impacts on your overall health. Alcoholism in later stages also leads to depression, increased stress, anxiety, and several others. Many people think that excess alcohol only damages the liver but, it damages your body in many ways than you actually think. When you consume a glass of alcohol it immediately enters your body fluids and affects different organs in your body starting from the brain, lungs, heart, liver, stomach, pancreas, central nervous system, bones, muscles, and several others. Excess alcohol also affects your fertility and leads to infertility problems in both men and women.

Alcohol effects

Effects of alcohol on your body

Here is the list of how drinking alcohol damages your organs slowly and affects your body

  • Brain– Alcohol affects the brain’s communication pathways and affects your mood. Your brain gets shrinks with excess intake and affects your ability to learn, think and memorize. There are both short and long-term effects of alcohol on the brain.
  • Heart– Excess intake of alcohol affects your heart and increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, stroke, hypertension, and others. It also alters your heartbeat. Studies and research say that intake of alcohol in moderate amounts lowers the risk of coronary heart diseases.
  • Liver– As we all know alcohol is the biggest enemy of your liver, it is the main cause of fatty liver diseases. Alcohol affects on liver’s ability to eliminate unwanted substances from your body and also leads to several health issues like fibrosis, cirrhosis, and others.
  • Stomach– It also affects your stomach lining. It increases stomach acids and leads to problems like ulcers, appetite disorders, nutritional deficiency, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.
  • Pancreas– High alcohol consumption leads to inflammation in the pancreas called pancreatitis. It also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer. Excess intake also affects the pancreas ability to produce insulin and increases the risk of diabetes.
  • Bones– Excess alcohol consumption increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone deterioration. It removes calcium from your bones and makes them weak.
  • Central nervous system– Alcohol consumption leads to a condition called neuropathy by damaging cells in the central nervous system. It affects your speech ability, vision or eyes problems, memory disorders, weak muscles, and so on.

Increased health problems due to alcohol consumption

By declining your immune system, alcohol consumption increases your risk of several health problems like

Health Tips Smart Phone Effects

5 Dangerous Effects of Smart Phone

Need to know the effects of addiction to Smart Phone

The arrival of the smart phone entirely changed each aspect of our lives. They are controlling and affecting us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Along with its huge list of advantages, smartphones also have some adverse side effects on our health like they increase our risk of neck pain, stress, depression, vision problems, sleep disorders, and several others. Especially using cell phones at night have some serious effects on your life.

Smart Phone

Smart Phone Effects

Smartphones are everywhere nowadays and became an unavoidable part of our day-to-day life. From children to elders everyone has a smartphone and spends more time in front of these electronic digital screens. There are several uses of smartphones, they keep you connected with the world by providing information. Smartphones changed the way we lived, we mostly depend on smartphones for performing all our day-to-day activities. From shopping to shipping, these smartphones assist us in each area. Along with these benefits, smartphones have some significant side effects and also danger our health. It affects our eyes, ears, neck, back, sleeps, and mind. It is also believed that carrying the mobiles in the pocket can lead to infertility problems in men.

Why smartphone is dangerous

Excess usage of smartphones can be dangerous, as it increases our risk of several health problems like

  • Back and neck problems– people spend most of their time bending over their smartphone screens. This increases pressure on the back, spine, and neck and leads to pain and other posture problems.
  • Poor sleep– using smartphones late at night can lead to problems with sleep. The blue light from mobile screens affects your sleep and leads to problems like headaches, memory problems, stress, etc.
  • Increase infections– do you know your smartphones are dirtier than a toilet seat. Ur smartphones have 10 times more bacteria, which increases the risk of bacterial infections.
  • Eye problems– looking at your smartphone screens continuously can increase your risk of eye problems. The blue light coming from the screens can damage the retina and lead to eyesight problems.
  • Makes you physically inactive– people who spend more time in front of their phones are becoming physically inactive and are increasing their risk of health issues like weight gain.
  • Exposure to radiation– continuous exposure to radiation from cells can increase the risk of cancers. It is also believed that men who keep their phones in their pockets are at an increased risk of infertility due to the radiation, as the radiation can reduce your sperm count.
  • Increases accidents– using your phones while driving and crossing the roads increase your risk of accidents. Using smartphones till late at night disturbs your sleep and when people drive without proper sleep, it increases their risk of accidents.

Steps to avoid problems of Using Smart Phone

You can avoid the adverse effects of smartphones by reducing the usage of your phones. Stay active with your family and friends by leaving your phones behind. Keep your mobiles away from your bedrooms and try not to use your mobiles in leisure times instead go for a walk.

Health Tips PCOS

Why PCOS Problem is Serious?


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder most commonly seen in women of reproductive age. It is a common female disorder where women face cysts on outer edge of ovaries and enlarged ovaries due to hormonal imbalance. PCOS by affecting ovulation causes fertility problems. Weight gain, menstrual problems, infertility, hirsutism, acne, sleeping disorders like sleep apnea, hair thinning on scalp and headache are few common symptoms seen in women with PCOS. Due to these symptoms infertility, weight gain, hair loss and unusual hair growth on face, women with PCOS are at an increased risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders. Women with PCOS also face heavy and painful periods. Symptoms and severity of symptoms differ for each woman, as they depend on the cause and type of PCOS. Though the cause of PCOS is not clear, it is believed that problems in metabolism can lead to PCOS. PCOS is classified in to different types like insulin resistant PCOS, immune related PCOS or inflammatory PCOS, post pill or pill induced PCOS and environmental PCOS. Here are few factors, which can trigger PCOS

  • Genetics/ family history
  • Lifestyle
  • Obesity
  • Lack of physical activities
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Low estrogen and progesterone levels
  • Excess production of androgen
  • Insulin resistance

PCOS problems

Future effects of PCOS

In most of the cases, women with PCOS may not notice that they have PCOS problem. If not managed properly or left untreated PCOS causes several long term health complications like

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Heart problems like heart attack and stroke
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Infertility
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Premature delivery or miscarriages
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Liver inflammation
  • Mood disorders

It is very difficult for women with PCOS to get conceived. Even after conceiving they face many health complications like gestational diabetes (high sugar levels in conceived women), miscarriages and premature deliveries. In few cases PCOS can also lead to PCOD i.e. multiple cysts on their ovaries.

Ways to avoid PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) cannot be treated or eliminated entirely. But, it can be controlled and the symptoms and complications of PCOS can also be controlled to a vast extent by following few lifestyle changes and health tips like

  • Practicing different yoga asanas can help women to control several symptoms and complications of PCOS like heavy weight, irregular menstruation and others.
  • Regular exercises along with healthy diet helps to control excess weight and sugar levels in your body. Include high fibre foods and fresh fruits and vegetables which help to control obesity, heart problems and also others.
  • Taking birth control pills also helps to regularise your periods and you can take them by consulting your doctors.
  • Control your stress levels, as high stress can again lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • Women with PCOS are generally advised to quit smoking and alcohol consumption, as these two increases androgen levels in your body which further worsens the condition.
Female Disorders Health Tips

Know the Facts about Female Disorders

Though men and women both face health disorders, women health is different from men. Women face unique health illnesses from gynaecological disorders to menopause, when compared to men. Women as a daughter, sister, wife and a mother plays many roles in life and in her busy life also face common health problems like stress, depression, anxiety and so on. Apart from theses, they also face many physical problems. Here is the list of top health concerns faced by women
Heart diseases- heart diseases are more common in women when compared to men. Women tend to ignore the symptoms as they only think chest pain as the main symptom of heart diseases. Whereas people may also have other symptoms like breathlessness, nausea, shoulder pain, jaw pain and so on.

Tips to Overcome Female Disorders

Gynecological disorders- few gynecology disorders women face include

  • Menstrual problems- most of the women face menstrual problems like heavy menstruation, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphonic disorder (PMDD). These menstrual disorders may be due to several causes like thyroid problems, vaginal infections, ovarian cysts, weight loss or gain, menopause and so on.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI) – Urinary tract infections are very common in women, it is because the urethra is close to anus and the bacteria and other infections can easily enter into urethra and lead to UTI. It leads to painful urination, discomfort and other symptoms. If left untreated it may also lead to kidney disorders.
  • Infertility- infertility is the leading and most important problem in women. Infertility can be due to several causes like hormonal problems, uterine problems, cervical problems, damaged fallopian tubes and so on.
  • PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) – it is a hormonal disorder and this hormonal imbalance leads to growth of small cysts on ovaries. Women with PCOD are at an increased risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and so on.

Pelvic inflammatory disease, yeast infections, pelvic disorders, ovarian disorders, vagnitis, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and so on are also few gynic problems most common in women.

Cancers- women are at an increased risk of developing many cancers in their life time. Few commonly seen cancers include breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and skin cancer.
Few other disorders like osteoporosis and auto immune disorders like lupus, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis are also common female disorders.

Homeopathy treatment for female disorders

Homeopathy is a natural therapy that works efficiently in treating many female disorders. Homeopathy treatment for female disorders uses natural and non toxic remedies which are safe and have no side effects. Homeopathy mainly improves immunity to fight several illnesses and infections. Homeopathy treatment for female disorders not just treats the single problem but aims at overall wellbeing of people. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides health tips for female disorders which further helps in quick recovery. These female disorder control tips and treatment are provided based on the symptoms and individualisation theory.

Health Tips Sexual Treatment

Important Factors to Overcome Sexual Dysfunction

What is sexual dysfunction?

Difficulties faced to have satisfactory experience during any phase of sexual response cycle are termed as sexual dysfunction. Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution are the four stages of sexual response cycle. Sexual dysfunction can affect at any age and may also lead to complications in their relationship, influence their quality of sex life and may also cause infertility. Sexual dysfunction is one of the causes which lead to separation in many couples. Physical and psychological factors plays vital role in sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunctions are categorized into 4 categories namely Lack of desire, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation and Painful intercourse.

What are sexual problems in men?

Sexual problem or Sexual dysfunction can rise at any time in men. Around 1 in 10 men experience some sort of sexual problems. Most of the sexual problems in men can be solved with treatment. Common sexual problems in men are

  • Erectile dysfunction- situation of inability to maintain erection for intercourse
  • Premature ejaculation- ejaculation occurs soon after intercourse begins
  • Low libido- lack of interest in sex
  • Retarded ejaculation- delayed or absent of ejaculation
  • Retrograde ejaculation.

Sexual Dysfunction

Causes of sexual problems in men are

  • Physical factors
  • Neurological disorders
  • Diabetes problems
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Medications
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Age
  • Chronic diseases (liver or kidney failure)

Psychological factors

  • Stress and depression
  • Guilt about sexual performance
  • Relationship problems

What are the sexual problems in women?

Female hormone plays important role in regulating sexual functioning. Aging and menopause also causes sexual problems in many women. Common sexual problems in women include

  • Low libido
  • Inability to become aroused
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Painful intercourse

Causes of sexual dysfunction in women are

  • Stress and depression
  • Diabetes
  • Pelvic surgery or injury
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Alcohol
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain
  • Medication
  • Endometriosis

Sexual treatment for men and women

Sexual Dysfunction in both men and women can be treated by addressing the root cause of the problem. Sexual dysfunction is caused due to physical and psychological factors and both can be treated. If sexual problems are due to physical causes, then these can be cured with some treatments like hormone therapy, some remedies and mechanical aids. When the sexual dysfunctions are due to psychological factors then these problems can be cured by counselling and psychological therapy.

Overcome sexual disorders with homeopathy remedies

Sexual treatment in homeopathy is a natural way of treating sexual dysfunctions. Sexual treatment in homeopathy works by improving circulation and also by exciting the nerves. Homeopathy also provides sexual treatment for men and successfully treats erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and many other sexual problems. Homeopathy doctors also provide some sexual problems prevention tips to the couple or individuals. These Sexual Problems tips help individuals to overcome sexual problems and help them to improve quality of sex life and to enjoy their love life. Health tips for Sexual Disorders include lifestyle changes, healthy diet, controlling stress and many more to help eliminate sexual problems.

Hormone Imbalance Treatments

About Hormone Imbalance? Overcome with Best Homeopathy treatment

What is Hormone Imbalance?

Hormones are signalling molecules produced by various glands and organs like thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles and pancreas. Hormones play vital role in bodily functions including metabolism and weight, thyroid function, sleep, metabolism and many more. Imbalance or malfunctioning of these hormones in the body is treated as hormonal imbalance. When production and normal level of hormones in our body gets disturbed it is referred as hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is commonly seen in most of the women. Women of all age groups get affected by hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance leads to many health complications and psychological issues. Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of menstrual problems and infertility in women.

How to Get over from Hormone Imbalance ?

Individuals can get over from hormonal imbalance and its complications by following few tips.

  • Eat healthy diet and include more omega-3 fatty acids in diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for producing hormones and also help in balancing them.
  • Exercise plays vital role in balancing hormones naturally. Regular exercising helps to control heavy weight, stay fit and healthy.
  • Reduce and control intake of caffeine as it affects our central nervous system and leads to hormonal imbalance.
  • Reduce alcohol intake as it interferes with our body’s functioning and contributes to hormonal imbalance.
  • Vitamin D is important to control functioning of pituitary gland which produces hormones.
  • Control stress as it leads to several health issues like sleeplessness and leads to weight gain and depression. Stress and lack of sleep are the main causes of hormonal imbalance
    Avoid birth control pills as they raise estrogen levels and leads to several complications including hormonal imbalance.

What are the Major Reasons for Hormonal Imbalance >

Hormonal imbalance are caused due to several factors like

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of physical exercises
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Work load
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Diabetes
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Puberty
  • Giving birth to a child

Hormonal imbalance leads to several health complications like irregular periods, sleeping disorders, weight gain, infertility, lack of concentration, depression, anxiety, loss of libido, fatigue, digestive problems, acne, insomnia, increased belly fat, hair loss and appetite disorders. Hormonal imbalance in male leads to erectile dysfunction, decreased bone density, loss of muscle strength, infertility and depression.

Overcome Hormonal Imbalance with Homeopathy Remedies :

Hormone imbalance treatment in homeopathy is a natural way of treating the hormonal disorders. Hormone imbalance control through homeopathy is a safe way of controlling imbalance. Homeopathy treatment improves body’s metabolism and helps to control the production of hormones. Homeopathy not just treats hormonal imbalance but also targets the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy improves immunity and reduces the risk of infections, allergies and other illnesses. Homeopathy doctor along with treatment also provides few hormone imbalance prevention tips to the people who are suffering with hormonal imbalance. Hormone imbalance tips helps to get relief from the symptoms. Health tips for hormone imbalance and homeopathy treatment for hormonal imbalance are purely based on the symptoms and personal examination or individualization.

Conceived Women Health Tips

Benefits with Exercise for Conceived Women

What are the Benefits of Exercises for Conceived Women?

Many old women suggest conceived women to take rest and even to avoid their regular duties to some extent. But professionals suggest conceived women to keep moving as it is beneficial for both mother and the baby. There are several health benefits of exercises for conceived women and it helps to improves health of both mother and the baby. Conceived women should take tips and advices from the professional trainers and doctors before starting any exercises in their trimester. Exercises and physical activities are essential and important until they do not over do it. Excess and intense work outs are not at all suggested to conceive women as they can lead to complications and miscarriages. Some important benefits of exercises for conceived women include

  • Boosts energy and makes you fit
  • Control mood swings
  • Controls backache, constipation and swelling
  • Gives good sleep
  • Controls heavy weight and weight gain
  • Reduce morning sickness
  • Makes you ready for labour
  • Assist in quick postpartum recovery
  • Improves muscle strength
  • Controls stress
  • Reduce the risk of gestational diabetes

How Exercises make Conceived Women Perfect?

Physical exercises make conceived women and the baby perfect, it reduce the risk of lower back pain. Exercises and physical activities reduce the risk of C section and increases normal deliveries by strengthening muscles of both hands and legs. Exercises controls mood swings in conceived women and eliminates depression, stress and anxiety and keep them relaxed. Physical exercises also reduce the risk of hypertension and gestational diabetes which are common and also lead to many health issues in both mother and child. Women who is active and does exercises also helps their unborn babies to have healthier heart, have normal birth weight and also helps in development of their brain. Exercising under the guidance and observation of professionals reduce the risk of complications.

What type of Exercises Benefits Conceived Women?

Conceived women need to be careful while selecting exercises, it is always recommended to do under professional’s instructions. If they feel uncomfortable during their exercises, it is advised to stop and consult your doctor. Doing warm-ups before actual exercises are also very important. Several exercises that are useful and beneficial for conceived women are

  • Swimming
  • Brisk walking
  • Low aerobics
  • Yoga
  • Dancing
  • Stretching
  • Light weight lifting.

Conceived Women Tips with Homeopathy :

Homeopathy remedies for conceived women are mild and safe during your trimesters and also during labour. Homeopaths provide conceived women tips regarding their diet, activities and exercises which are very important and keeps you refreshed and active. Homeopathic treatment for conceived women helps in treating many health issues like morning sickness, constipation, depression, anxiety and back pain. In conceived women homeopathy tips plays crucial role in development and growth of unborn baby and mother. Homeopathy for conceived women is safe, non addictive and mild as they are made of natural substances. Homeopathy remedies for conceived women also are very important in reducing the labour pain.

Conceived Women Health Tips

Exercising for Conceived Women

For conceived women exercise does wonders for both mother and the baby. Women has many questions regarding exercising in her trimesters like is it safe? Or does it harm the baby? And so on. Experts say that exercising in your trimesters improves health of both mother and the baby. Exercising helps you to stay fit, enjoy and gives excellent feel during the trimesters. When you are expecting it is important to keep moving to feel fresh and energetic. Moderate exercises give your new born a new and healthy start. Exercising can improve general health, stamina and controls mood swings in conceived women.

Benefits of Exercise in Conceived Women :

There are several advantages with exercising during your trimesters; they are not only beneficial for the mother but also for the unborn child. Here are few benefits

  • Exercises boosts your energy and keeps you fit
  • Controls mood swings and improves your mood
  • Eliminate depression
  • Reduce backache
  • Controls constipation and swelling
  • Prevent gestational diabetes
  • Improve your posture and sleep
  • Reduces complications like preeclampsia, hypertension and C sections.
  • Controls weight gain during trimesters
  • Reduce morning sickness
  • Eliminate Depression
  • Prepare your body for labour and childbirth
  • Reduce stress and improve self image
  • Helps in faster postpartum or post delivery recovery
  • Increase muscle strength and endurance

Exercises that are safe for Conceived Women :

Many exercises are safe, but if you feel uncomfortable you can stop it right away. It is important to take advice from the professional trainers and doctors before starting any exercises. Women need to do some warm up and stretching’s before starting the actual exercising, this loosens your muscles and make your body ready for exercises. Some safe exercises include
Swimming- it gives strength to both hands and legs, reduces swelling and benefits cardiovascular health. It also reduces low back pain.
Brisk walking or walking- it is a cardiovascular exercise, tones muscles, boost your mood and makes you strong.
Mild and low aerobics- strengthens your body, helpful for you and your baby.
Prenatal yoga- yoga relaxes your body, controls mood swings, beneficial for you and your baby in many ways.
Indoor cycling- cycling is beneficial for cardiovascular health, improves circulation, reduces swelling and keeps you fit.
Strength training like light weight lifting- slow and controlled weight lifting improves muscle strength and prepares you for labour.
Dancing- improves your mood, relieves stress and helps heart.
Stretching- reduces low back pain, strengthens pelvic, hip and thigh muscles, prepares you for your labours.
All the exercises are helpful until you don’t overdo it. Start slowly with mild exercises and gradually increase the time and workouts. If women have health issues like Asthma, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and miscarriage history, they should avoid exercises as it can worsen the problem. If a conceived women has problems like low placenta, weak cervix, premature birth in last baby and spotting, exercises can be harmful and can cause complications.