
8 Best foods for a healthy brain

8 best foods for a healthy brain

While we always take care of our weight, skin, hair and so on, then what about the brain?. What do you do to improve your brain health?. Do you know what we eat has a direct impact on our ability to think and memorise?. so, here are the best foods for a healthy brain.

However, the brain is the most crucial organ in our body. It acts as a control centre and helps us to move, feel and think. But,  as we age, our brain ability starts to shrink and leads to memory impairment. This particular condition is called oxidative damage. You can push back the ageing process of the brain with healthy eating. Moreover, our brain needs nutrient fuel to work continuously throughout the day.

Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, flavanols, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals help to improve brain health. Also, protect it from age-related deterioration conditions like Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

8 best power foods for a healthier brain

Below are few brain-friendly foods which one should include in their diet for a healthier brain.

Foods for a healthy brain

1. Is Salmon fish are good foods for a healthy brain?

As we all know fish, especially fatty fish like salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which is very beneficial for our brain health. Fish also contains a few other key brain nutrients like magnesium, zinc, vitamin B and D and choline. Which are crucial for healthy brain structure and optimal brain functioning.

2. Nuts are the best foods for a healthy brain. why?

Nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews and others are rich sources of vitamin E.  Antioxidants and fats which are beneficial for our brain and heart health. In fact, nuts help to prevent the free radicals from damaging the brain cells. It is proven that people who eat nuts regularly have a sharper memory compared to those who do not eat. Even though all nuts are beneficial for our brain, walnuts have an extra edge over other nuts. Walnuts contain vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids which supports brain health. Also reduces the risk of cognitive disorders.

3. Whole grains

Though our brain is relatively smaller in size than other parts of our body.  It uses around 20% of our body energy. Whole grains contain all the essential fuel which our brain needs to function properly. Whole grains promote good circulation throughout the body including the brain. Whole grains like brown rice, barley, oatmeal, brown bread and so on. Which contains all the vitamins, fibre and antioxidants. Those are essential for the proper functioning of the brain.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries can be called brain berries. This is because of the gallic acid present in them. Gallic acid helps to protect the brain from oxidative stress. Also reduces the risk of age-related problems like Dementia and Alzheimer’s. However, these cute berries are also full of vitamin C, vitamin K and fibre. Including blueberries in the diet regularly helps to improve motor skills and capacity to learn.

5. Avocados

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats, folate, vitamin B, C, E and potassium. It helps to improve circulation, reduces hypertension and improves brain functioning and reduces the risk of cognitive decline. These are considered to be the best brain foods for people of all age groups.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and vitamin B present in pumpkin seeds make it the best brain-boosting food. Iron deficiency is considered to be one of the major reason for impairment of brain function. Whereas pumpkin seeds are rich in iron and magnesium. It also helps in improving memory, thinking skills and overall brain health.

7. Does Dark chocolate are good foods for a healthy brain?

Dark chocolate contains natural stimulants like caffeine which works wonderfully in improving our focus and concentration. This helps to improve your mood by stimulating the production of endorphins. Few brain-boosting components present in dark chocolate like flavonoids and antioxidants improve learning and memory. It also helps in preventing age-related degenerations.

8. Oranges

Including oranges in the diet is not only beneficial for our skin and weight. But is also beneficial for our brain. Vitamin C is a major antioxidant. Which present in oranges protects our brain cells from free radicals and delays age-related mental decline.

Healthy Life

Top 10 Superfoods for Women

Superfoods for women should include in their diet

Starting from irregular menses to hormonal imbalance, infertility, menopause, weak bones and so on.  Women go through a lot in her life. Adding Superfoods for women in their diet helps in various problems.

Healthy eating is an important part of life for everyone, especially for women. Women in various stages of her life have different needs. Hence, they should consume healthy superfoods to support those health needs. Superfoods for women are nothing but nutritional. powerhouses are loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants. These Superfoods for women help to safeguard your body and keep it healthy and fit.

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Now comes the question, how will you know which foods to select from endless grocery choices. which foods are loaded with required vitamins, minerals and antioxidants?

For all those women who are worried about their health, we have shortlisted few superfoods which fulfil all your nutritional needs when incorporated into a regular diet.

Superfoods for Women

1. Is Beans are Superfoods for Women

Beans are full of nutrients which are very good for health. In fact, including beans and lentils in your diet. Two or more time a week can reduce your chance of getting breast cancer by 34%?. These are especially black and red beans that are rich in fibre. plant-based chemical like phytosterols, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals like folate, iron and magnesium. Cancer-fighting is one of the health benefits of beans. Among many like weight management, controlling hypertension and keeping your heart healthy.

2. Green leaves are superfoods for women

Green leafy veggies like kale, broccoli, spinach and others are Superfoods for women. They are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, iron, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin C, phytoestrogens and so on. Adding green leaves regularly to your diet can improve your eye health and preserve vision are also very beneficial for conceived women. Consuming green leaves several times a week keeps you healthy.

3. Why Yoghurts are Superfoods for Women

Yogurt is a traditional food filled with all the essential health benefits. However, it is rich in calcium, keeps your bones healthy and reduces your risk of osteoporosis. Women after menopause become more prone to osteoporosis due to decreased estrogen levels. In such cases, yoghurt works very well as it is rich in calcium. The probiotics present in yoghurt promotes digestion. It also helps to ease irritable bowel syndrome, high stomach ulcers and also improves immunity levels.

4. Will Fatty fish are a superfood for women

Fish are full of Omega3 fatty acids, vitamin D and calcium. They also contain antioxidant named selenium which improves our immune system. In fact, it also protects us from several infections and common flu’s. Regular intake of fish helps to protect us from several health threats like heart attack, hypertension, depression, cancer.

5. Dark chocolate

Enjoying a small amount of dark chocolate regularly is very beneficial for women. You think I’m just teasing you right?. No, it’s true. Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus. These help to protect you from several health threats like hypertension, heart diseases, stroke, obesity, depression and mood swings.

6.Cherries and Berries

Cherries and berries are a true gift of nature. They are not just beautiful but are also healthiest. As well are rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. To contract it prevent cell damage due to free radicals and protect you from heart diseases, cervical cancer, varicose veins, diabetes. On the other hand, it also prevents Alzheimer’s and keeps your brain sharp. Vitamin C present in these gives you smooth and firm skin by building collagen.

7. Walnuts

Nuts especially walnuts are very beneficial for women. They are full of fatty acids, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. It additionally helps in preventing heart diseases, lowers cholesterol, boost brain power, controls stress. Above all, it also reduces the risk of diabetes and also controls breast and prostate cancers.

8. Avocado

Though they are full of fats, they are considered superfoods for women. As they are rich in nutrients like fibre, protein, potassium, magnesium and folate along with vitamins E, K and B6. Avocados are heart-healthy foods, they lower bad cholesterol and boost good cholesterol. Indeed they are also beneficial for women suffering from fertility problems.

9. Papaya

Papaya are vitamin C rich tropical fruit is highly recommended for women. The beta carotene, antioxidants and lycopene present in Papaya control hypertension, lower cholesterol and also keep cervical and breast cancers at bay.

10. why Oats are superfoods for women?

Whole-grain foods like oats, brown rice and others should be included in our regular diet. Oats are full of soluble and insoluble fibre which keeps you full for a longer period, lowers cholesterol and controls heavyweight. Fibre present in oats is essential for the health of gut bacteria and also helps in preventing constipation.