Diabetes Health Tips

Myths and Facts about Diabetes

Myths and Facts Regarding diabetes

As we all know diabetes is a chronic condition, where people have abnormal glucose levels in the body which steer to several other health problems like stress, skin problems, foot ulcers, cracked heels, kidney disorders, and so on. Many people have several queries and confusions on diabetes-like, does it affect children or on food intake, etc. In this article let us discuss a little about a few myths and facts of diabetes.

Myths and Facts about Diabetes

Can children get affected by diabetes?

Yes, though it is distressing, children also get affected by diabetes. Diabetes seen in children is called juvenile diabetes. It is believed that type 1 diabetes is common among children. In this condition, their pancreas does not produce enough insulin which leads to high sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes among children can be caused due to several factors like immune system disorders, genetics, and family history. Several people in long run face severe effects of diabetes on the eyes, legs, kidneys, and nerves.

Type 2 diabetes is also seen in children nowadays. This type is less common when compared to type 1. In this type children’s body does not use the insulin well. This type 2 diabetes in children is mainly caused due to factors like genetics, overweight, bad diet, and also family history. Lack of physical activities along with high-calorie intake is the main reason for type 2 diabetes in children.

Myths and facts about diabetes

There are several myths and facts about diabetes like

  • Myth– Diabetic people should avoid eating sugar
  • Fact– It is a fact that a diet rich in sugar can raise your calorie intake and raise the risk of obesity and this should be avoided by people with diabetes. They should take everything in a balanced amount and sugar also in moderate amount.
  • Myth– Diabetics should avoid fruits
  • Fact– People with diabetes can eat few fruits as they contain fiber and other nutrients which are very useful for health. They should take fruits in moderate amounts and also should avoid fruit juices. Few types like banana, custard apple, mango, and others which are high in sugars should be avoided.
  • Myth– Children who are overweight and have lots of sugars/sweets develop diabetes
  • Fact– Both overweight and high intake of sugar can raise your risk of diabetes, as they both are risk factors. But it is not true that only these two causes diabetes in children.
  • Myth– Childhood diabetes can be fully treated
  • Fact– It is not true, diabetes is a chronic condition that cannot be fully treated or avoided. Type 1 diabetes is the most commonly seen type of diabetes among children, in this type, the Beta cells of the pancreas which produce insulin get destroyed and cannot be fully treated. Whereas, children with type 2 diabetes can control severe effects of diabetes to some extent with the help of strict diet, physical exercises, and lifestyle changes.
  • Myth– People with diabetes can’t play sports.
  • Fact– It is not true, diabetics can actively participate in several sports and do exercises. Healthy eating and lifestyle are very crucial and there are several sportspersons with diabetes and are doing a great job.
Exercises Health Tips

Benefits of Exercises

Explain about exercises?

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured to improve physical fitness, overall health and wellness. Exercise helps to lose weight and decrease the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity. Exercise is useful in control depression levels, heart diseases and osteoporosis. Exercise can manage energy levels and improves mood. Exercise is done for various reasons like strengthening muscles, cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity. By exercising daily we can lead an active life which makes our heart healthier and stronger.

Here are some simple and easy exercises which we can do to keep our body fit and healthy are

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Push ups
  • Squats
  • Crunches
  • Yoga
  • Chinese martial arts
  • lunges

Different types of exercise for maintaining good health :

There are four types of exercises. Each type of exercise is important in its own way, and doing all four types is the way to maximize your fitness. Four types of exercise are

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength exercise
  • Balance exercise
  • Flexibility exercise.

Aerobic exercises like brisk walking. Jogging, dancing and swimming increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and control disease like, type 2 diabetes, high Bp and may even lower the risk of cancer. This exercise helps to carry out your everyday activities easily.
Strength exercises like weight lifting and using your own body weight makes muscle strong. These exercises are called strength training or resistance training.
Balance exercises like standing in one foot, heel to toe walk and Chinese martial arts help control the problem in elder people. It improves your ability to control and stabilize your body’s position. These exercises are helpful for everyone including people who gained weight and pregnant women.
Flexibility exercises like shoulder stretch; upper arm stretch, calf stretch and yoga stretch your muscles and improve your range of motion at your joints. They improve flexibility and reduce risk of injury during other activities.
Practicing any one type of exercise is not useful for overall health. One should include all four types of exercises in their workouts, or can combine exercises together like doing strength and balance exercises together.

Benefits of exercises :

Regular exercise is important for happy and healthy lifestyle. Everyone from children to elder people gets benefited from exercise. Exercise boosts mood and wellbeing. Some important benefits of exercise are

  • Controls weight
  • Reduce risk of heart diseases, cancers and diabetes
  • Avoids constipation and heals digestion problems
  • Controls stress levels, depression and improve mood and overall wellbeing
  • Improves physical strength and fitness
  • Boost happiness levels
  • Helps children maintain healthy weight and height
  • Keeps muscles, bones and joints strong
  • Keep our brain healthy and improve memory
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Increase self confidence and improves performance at work
  • Gives fresh and glowing skin.