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Presence of hair on the pillow, floor, on your comb and sink all these indicate hairloss. Hair loss (alopecia) is a severe problem affecting millions of people irrespective of age and gender. We all lose around 50 to 100 hair strands regularly and grow new hair in place of them, but if we lose more, it should be diagnosed. Most of the people neglect hair loss in the beginning stages and regret it later. Several factors including both internal and external factors can trigger hair loss like unhealthy diet, dandruff, pollution, weather changes (winter), stress, tension, chemical products, health issues like thyroid, PCOS and others.

Frequently asked questions
Can eating habits cause hair loss?
What are the reasons of hair fall in women?
Why are dandruff and hair fall high in winter?

What is Hair loss?

Excess loss of hair from the scalp and other areas of the body is generally termed as hair loss. It is a common complaint we are facing recently. Many of us think that even if we lose hair they will grow back, but in a few conditions, the hair follicles fail to grow new hair. Hair loss in women appears as hair thinning especially on top and front of the scalp and in men we mostly see baldness and patterned hair loss (M-shaped, U-shaped, and O-shaped).

Hairloss Treatment in Homeopathy

Types of Hair loss

There are different types of hair loss and learning about which type of hair loss you are suffering is very important. Here I have mentioned a few types of Hair loss like

  • Alopecia areata
  • Androgenic alopecia
  • Involutional alopecia
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Anagen Effluvium
  • Alopecia Universalis
  • Scarring alopecias
  • Tinea capitis
  • Traction alopecia
  • Trichotillomania

What causes Hair loss?

Hairloss can be triggered due to several factors and most common among them are

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Unhealthy or crash diet
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • High intake of Caffeine
  • Excess stress
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Changes in the weather
  • Usage of chemical based hair care products
  • Hairstyling and straightening
  • Lack of sleep

Health conditions like thyroid, anemia, psoriasis, PCOS and many others can trigger Hairloss.

What are the symptoms of Hair loss?

People with hair loss experience loss of hair from scalp and top of the head. Due to excess hair loss, people also have bald patches especially men. Hair loss increases stress and leads to depression.

How does Homeopathy work for Hair loss?

Homeopathy treatment for hair loss is greatly recommended, it controls loss of hair by treating the roots of the problem like scalp infections, dandruff, and other health illnesses. Homeopathy for Hair loss does not just controls hair loss but also promotes hair growth. Homeopathy for Hair loss does not use any invasive procedures, hence it is safe and side effects free.

Homeopathy remedies are made of natural substances, hence are safe, side effects free and works effectively in treating several hair problems. Homeopathy also works well in controlling baldness problems, especially male pattern baldness. Homeopathy not just treats hair loss problems, also works by improving immunity and overall health of the individual.