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High cholesterol is a major health concern which increases the risk of several diseases. Maintaining cholesterol levels is very important for health. High cholesterol leads to cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks, diabetes and many more. Individuals can reduce cholesterol by following few diet tips like

  • Controlling intake of saturated fats and Trans fats.
  • Include protein rich plant foods in diet
  • Eat more soluble fibre rich foods
  • Eat heart healthy fish like salmon
  • Check your cholesterol levels regularly
  • Reduce the food portion level to maintain cholesterol levels

Homeopathy tips for cholesterol

Food that increases cholesterol

Food and diet plays crucial role in maintaining cholesterol levels in the body. Certain foods also tend to increase the risk of cholesterol in many people. Foods with Trans fat and saturated fat increase cholesterol levels in people. Foods that increase cholesterol levels in body are

  • Cheese, ghee, butter, full fat milk, cream and yogurt.
  • Hard margarines
  • Snacks like cookies, chips, pop corn, macaroni, burger, pizza, pasta, French fries, muffins and many more
  • Fatty meat like liver, kidney, shellfish and lobster.
  • Egg yolk
  • Deep fried meat
  • Sugary foods and beverages
  • Coconut oil, cream and other palm oils.
  • Desserts like ice creams.

Along with these foods like cakes, puddings, pastries and toffees also increase cholesterol levels.

Overcome cholesterol problems

Individuals can overcome cholesterol problems by making few life style changes. Few cholesterol reducing tips to protect health include

  • Exercising helps to reduce cholesterol and to maintain healthy weight. Exercises increase HDL level i.e. good cholesterol and reduce LDL levels in body.
  • Including polyunsaturated and mono unsaturated fats in diet and avoiding saturated and Trans fat.
  • Knowing your cholesterol levels helps to take preventive measures
  • Controlling stress also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Including fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables in diet also helps to control cholesterol.
  • Avoid refined sugars, grains and packaged foods as they tend to increase cholesterol levels in the body.
  • Including foods that reduce cholesterol levels like oats, red wine, nuts, olive oil, garlic, herbal tea, beans and many more.
  • Eat foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and soluble fibre.
  • Count your calories

By reducing cholesterol levels in body we can reduce the risk of several health problems like coronary heart diseases, strokes, peripheral vascular diseases, hypertension, Diabetes Disorders and many more.

Homeopathy tips for cholesterol reduction

Homeopathy treatment works efficiently in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Homeopathy remedies for cholesterol reduction works to reduce cholesterol levels in body fluids and dissolve the excess cholesterol deposits in arterial walls. Homeopathy treatment for cholesterol reduction is safe and away from side effects as the remedies used in treatment is made of natural substances and is suitable to all age groups. Homeopathy also provides tips to reduce cholesterol. Homeopathy tips for cholesterol reducing are very fruitful and safe. Homeopathy treatment not just focuses on cholesterol problem but treats a person as whole. Homeopathy improves immunity and overall wellbeing of the individuals.