Cell Phone Health Tips

Risk Factors of Using Cell Phone at Late Night

Usage of cell phones at late nights have severe negative impact on health and causes headache, eye problems, sleeping disorders and many more. Using cell phone before going to bed or late night make it difficult to sleep and causes problems regarding mental health, emotional disturbance and mood swings. People who use cell phones late night have poor mental health, hangover in the next morning and low productivity when compared to those who do not use cell phones before going to bed. Major risk factors of using cell phones at late night are mental health, poor sleeping habits and emotional disturbances.

With the development of technology cell phones and mobile phone users have increased and become global circumstance in the present generation. Majority of people are addicted to cell phones and became crucial part of life. Though cell phones are very beneficial for people, it also has some harmful effects if not used properly or used continuously. Cell phones are very useful for communicating, video calls, to take pictures and for several other functions, but excess use of cell phones is harmful and have adverse effects on physical, mental and social health. Cell phones are very addict able and disturb education, work, time, money, relations, eye sight, postures and health in many ways.Mobile Phone Usage

Mental Health :

People who use their cell phones at late night face many health problems like poorer mental health, low self esteem and behavioural changes. It effects over all well being. People who use cell phones are at higher risk of developing stress both on body and mind. They have symptoms of poor mental health like anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, fatigue and low esteem. Both men and women face these symptoms if they are addicted to using cell phones late night. Using cell phones at late night affects lifestyle, relationship with family members and work. Radiations from cell phones cause serious health diseases and memory of individuals. In children usage of cell phones at late night effects their memory, growth and education. It also leads to hormonal problems due to mental and physical stress and disorders.

Poor sleeping habits :

Using cell phones, other gadgets like tablets and computers impact sleep quality of people. Late night usage of cell phones directly causes poor sleep habits and increases psychosocial issues. Using phones late night may be like a simple thing for people who use it but it affects sleep and health in many ways than they understand. The lights on the screens of cell phones affect and prevent the production of melatonin hormone which controls your sleep and wake cycle and promotes sleep. Poor sleeping habits due to usage of cell phones or tablets or computers causes hangover in the next day and affects your performance and productivity at school and work.

Emotional disturbance :

Late night usage of cell phones lead to several disorders including emotional disturbances. People using electronic gadgets get adversely affected and it results in poor performance, lack of concentration, interest, inability to build relationships and also face confidence issues. People gets emotionally disturbed and fails to build and maintain relationship with family, peer group and others.

Abscess Alzheimer’s Treatments

Natural Treatment for Alzheimer’s Abscess

What is Alzheimer’s abscess?

Alzheimer’s abscess is a disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or brain injury that causes problems with memory disorders, personality changes, thinking, and behaviour. It is a continuous process of mental decline that usually occurs in the old age or in the people above age 60, caused due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It slowly shatters memory and cognitive abilities which interfere with regular routines. It is an Abscess of the left temporal lobe of the brain and is a neurological disorder. It starts mild and gets worse steadily. Alzheimer’s abscess first incorporates parts of the brain which control, thoughts, language and memory and raise problems like remembering people names, relations, and recent activities or occasions.

In later stages, it gets worse and the patients may even forget their family members, may face difficulty in reading speaking, writing and in their daily routines. Alzheimer’s disease may be caused due to factors like head injury, genetic factors, stress, brain disease, down syndrome, depression, and hypertension. Alzheimer’s has seven stages; condition of the people gets worse with aging and in the last stage the person do not remember their daily routines like drinking, eating and walking. Alzheimer’s abscess is not easy to diagnose and there is no known for Alzheimer’s, as the death of brain cells cannot be terminated or stopped. One can treat the risk of Alzheimer’s and lead a happy life by changing lifestyle like eating a healthy and balanced diet, being physically active, avoid smoking, maintain cardiovascular health and exercising the brain and by treating and diagnosing diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression and cholesterol.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s abscess?

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s differ from person to person. People may experience one or more of the symptoms. Some common symptoms of Alzheimer’s abscess include

  • Memory loss
  • Challenges in planning or solving problems
  • Mood swings, confusion, hesitation
  • Impaired judgement and planning
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Difficulty with familiar task
  • Misplacing things
  • Trouble planning
  • Difficulty in communicating, writing and reading
  • Wander and may become lost
  • Repetitive actions or speech
  • Lack of interest and motivation
  • Problem in recognizing family and friends
  • Sleeplessness
  • Problem with understanding images
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities.

Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s Abscess :

Homeopathy is a natural way to treat Alzheimer’s abscess as it helps to control further deterioration of brain damage. Homeopathy offers safe treatment to the Alzheimer’s abscess. It helps to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s like depression, sleeplessness, hypertension, anxiety and many others like emotional imbalance. Homeopathy uses natural substances for treatment and hence it is safe and has no side effects. Homeopathy treatment for Alzheimer’s is based on the symptoms and physical examination of the person. Homeopathy is effective in healing the person both physically and mentally. Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s abscess is not only effective in relieving the symptoms but it impacts on the treating the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. Homeopathy not only treats the infected area but it treats the person as the whole.

Grapes Health Tips

Incredible Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes are called the queen of fruits for its unique and refreshing taste, apart from taste they also contain several essential nutrients which helps in preventing diseases like heart attack, piles, hypertension, stress, high fever, liver disorders and so on.

A grape is a fruit of deciduous woody wines of the flowering plant genus vitis. Its scientific name is vitis vinifera and belongs to the vitaceae family. Grapes are versatile fruits growing in clusters on a grapevine. Grapes are called the queen of fruits and said to be the oldest cultivated fruits. The cultivation of grapes began 6000 years ago in Europe, they are native of western Asia and central Europe and now cultivated across the globe. It is referred as the fruit of wine in the Bible. Grapes are used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, vinegar and raisins. Grapes are berries with round or oval shaped and have semi translucent flesh with smooth skin. There are 15 varieties of grapes are available, some are used for making wine, raisins and some can be eaten raw as table grapes. 15 types are moon drops, concord, pinot noir, lemberger, sweet jubilee, valiant, champagne, crimson seedless, kyoho, cotton candy, Riesling, gewürztraminer, moon balls, sultana and fry muscadine. They are available in different sizes and colours like crimson, black, dark blue, pale yellow, purple, green or pink. Grapes when dried become raisins. Grapes are famous for their versatility, variety and portability. Taste, colour and size of the grapes depend on the local cultivated conditions. Wine grapes are much sweeter and juicier than the table grapes.


Vitamins and Nutrients Present in Grapes:

Grapes contain several nutrients and vitamins that are useful for our health life. Grapes are high in water and considered as low calorie food. Grapes are good source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These vitamins are very helpful in repair and growth of body tissues, heals wounds.
Grapes contain phytonutrients, including phenols, polyphenols, resveratrol and carotenoids which are good for heart. Grapes are rich in minerals like copper, iron, manganese and rich in electrolytes like potassium. Grapes contain polyphenols, antioxidants and little fibre.

Incredible Health Benefits of Grapes :

Some important health benefits of grapes include
Control cancer– Grapes contain antioxidants called polyphenols; they control many type of cancers. Grapes contain anticancer agents and help to treat breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
Treats indigestion and constipation– Grapes are considered as light food, they relieve heat, treat indigestion and irritation in the stomach. Grapes contain high insoluble fibre and effective in treating constipation.
Control fatigue and anemia– Iron contents in grapes control fatigue. Grapes maintain iron and mineral levels balanced in the body and treats anemia.
Controls BP– Grapes contain potassium and polyphenol that helps to control BP. Potassium in grapes supports heart health.
Good for skin and hair– Green grapes are very good for skin, they protect our skin from sun burn, lightens scars, makes skin smooth. Green grapes are very beneficial for our skin. Vitamin C in grapes helps stop skin aging and gives fresh skin. Grapes contains vitamin C and antioxidants which are beneficial for hair, control hair fall, improves circulation in scalp and provides volume to hair.
Grapes are useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease, heals kidney disorders and also grape juice is like a home remedy for migraine, it gives relief from pain.