Headache Health Tips Migraine

The Difference between Headache and Migraine Pain

Advice to overcome Headache or Migraine pain Quick

What is Migraine pain?

If you are facing severe piercing and recurrent headaches mostly on one side, then it may be due to migraines. The pain may last for hours to days depending on the severity. Migraine pain is mainly caused due to changes within the brain and is treated as a neurological disorder. Along with headache, migraine also leads to other health problems like constipation, problem in eyes, neck pain, depression, weakness and so on. People with migraines may become sensitive to loud noises, strong odors, and also light may increase the severity of pain. People before migraine attack face few early symptoms like vomiting, constipation, neck stiffness, blind spots, blurred or double vision, tingling, balance problems, problem with speaking, confusion, and so on. These symptoms of migraine differ depending on the severity of the migraine attack and type of migraine. Migraine affects an individual’s entire lifestyle i.e. physically, mentally, and even emotionally.

Headache Vs Migraine

Migraine is classified into different types based on the symptoms and conditions like

  • Migraine with aura
  • Migraine without aura
  • Basilar migraine
  • Hemiplegic migraine
  • Vestibular migraine
  • Ophthalmology migraine
  • Aura without headache

Among these most commonly seen types are migraine with aura and migraine without aura.

What are the main reasons for headaches and migraine pain?

Headache is commonly seen in every person, it may be caused due to factors like stress, heavy workload, loud noise, lifestyle, lack of sleep, hypertension, exposure to sunlight for longer periods, weather changes, excess consumption of alcohol, dehydration, infections, and so on. Whereas the exact causes of migraine headache are not yet known and abnormal changes in the veins, nerves, and chemicals in the brain are suspected to be the cause. Factors like changes in weather, high stress, hormonal changes, few foods, excess intake of caffeine products and alcohol, family history, allergies, and several other are said to trigger a migraine attack. Exposure to loud noises, bright light, and strong odors can also trigger a migraine attack in people with migraines. Genetics is also said to trigger the risk of migraine disorders. Few other factors like skipping meals, starving and dehydration can also raise the symptoms of migraine among few people.

Difference between headache and migraine

Though both headaches and migraines look alike, there is a huge difference between headaches and migraines. The main difference between a normal headache and a migraine headache is the severity of the pain. People with general headaches have mild to severe pain in the head which may last for hours, whereas people with migraines have severe throbbing and piercing pain which may last from hours to days. People with migraine headaches experience pain mostly in one side of the head and also said that a little physical movement also worsens the pain.

People facing general headaches may not experience any other additional symptoms with headache, whereas in people with migraines other symptoms like constipation, fatigue, weakness, and sensitivity to light, sound, noise are also seen along with severe headache.

Migraine Treatments

About Migraine? Best Homeopathy Treatment for Migraine Disorders

What is Migraine disorder?

Migraine is more than a just headache, it causes severe, painful and recurrent headaches often felt on one side. It is generally developed due to changes within the brain. It is explained as the unstable way how brain deals with incoming sensory disturbances.

People with this condition face piercing and throbbing pain along with nausea and vomiting. People becomes extremely sensitive to incoming sensory information like light, smell and sound. When people with this condition gets exposed to light, smell and sound their pain worsens.

Headaches may last for hours to days based on the intensity of the attack. Individuals have some warning symptoms before Migraine Attack like blind spots, tingling in hands or legs, flashes of light, blurred or double vision and also loss of balance.

Types of Migraine

There are several types of this disorder based on the symptoms, they areMigraine Treatment through Homeopathy

  • Migraine with aura
  • Without aura
  • Basilar migraine
  • Hemiplegic migraine
  • Vestibular migraine
  • Ophthalmology migraine
  • Aura without Headache Problems.

Among these types most commonly seen are with aura, without aura and aura without headache.

How to avoid migraine problems?

People with this problems can reduce the symptoms and also can avoid the attacks by following few tips and making few dietary changes.

  • Avoiding triggers
  • Following eating and sleeping schedule
  • Drink plenty of water and be hydrated
  • Doing moderate physical exercises
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Practice muscle relaxation
  • Treatments

Though treatments cannot cure this condition entirely but with the help of these tips along with treatment individuals can control its symptoms, severity and recurrent attacks to some extent.


Exact cause of this disorders is not known. Genetic factors are said to cause this disorder in individuals. List of other factors that can trigger this disorders are mentioned below

Migraine Treatment through Homeopathy

  • Allergies
  • Stress and tensions
  • Tiredness and jet lag
  • Intense exercises or workouts
  • Sleeplessness or irregular sleep
  • Hormonal changes
  • Foods like pickles
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Fasting or lack of food
  • Weather or barometric pressure


Symptoms of this disorder differ in each stage of attack i.e. prodrome, aura, attack and postdrome. Symptoms at different stages include

  • Symptoms of prodrome- mood swings, constipation, food cravings, increased thirst, neck pain and sensitivity to smells.
  • Symptoms of aura- blurred vision or vision loss, tingling sensation in hands or legs, problem with speaking due to severe pain.
  • Symptoms during attack- throbbing and piercing pain, sensitive to light, sound and smell, dizziness, vomiting and nausea.
  • Symptoms of postdrome- weakness, pain, depression, confusion and Sensitivity to light and sound.

Homeopathy treatment for migraine disorders

Homeopathy treatment for migraine is a holistic way of treatment using natural substances. Homeopathic doctors prescribe treatment for this disorder after careful examination of the individuals. Treatment plan is based on the symptoms, their severity, past health history of the individual, family history and also on the principle of individualization.

Homeopathy for this condition offers treatment in two stages, in the first stage of treatment homeopathy aims to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. In the second stage homeopathy eliminates it totally and improves quality of living. Migraine Treatment in Homeopathy is safe, free from side effects, highly advisable and provides fruitful results.