Eye Problems Health Tips

What Regular Eye Itching Says?

Eyes are one among the most important organs in our body and assist us in each and every activity. Any damage or slight abnormalities with them can lead to discomfort. Eye problems are becoming common now a days due to several factors like pollution, allergies, infections, stress, sleeping problems and several others.

Common effects of eye itching

Eye itching can be bothersome and the severity of itching can range based on the severity of the cause and problem. Itching eyes can be caused due to several factors like

  • Allergies– Allergies are the most common cause of itching in eyes. Allergic conjunctivitis is the most commonly seen problem during winters
  • Dry eye– Dry eye syndrome is another common cause of eye irritation. It is a condition where people do not have enough quality tears or lubrication on surface of the eyes.
  • Usage chemical products– The chemical products which you use for personal usage can have adverse affects on your eyes and lead to itching sensation in your eyes.
  • Inflammation of eyelid– This is also called as blepharitis, it is a condition where oil glands present on your hair follicles of your eyelids gets clogged and leads to itching.
  • Usage of electronic gadgets– Excess usage of electronic gadgets especially cell phones at late nights can lead to itching in eyes. This type of strain in your eyes is called as digital eye strain and this is caused due to over usage of gadgets for longer periods.
  • Dust and pollen– If any piece of dust or small sand particles enters your eyes, it leads to severe itching in your eyes and causes pain and discomfort.
  • Wearing contact lens– You may experience some sort of itchiness in your eyes if you are wearing your contact lenses regularly.

Eye Itching

Does it harm eye health?

Eye problems and severe itching should not be neglected, as it may lead to several other problems. Rubbing your itchy eyes can actually worsen the condition and lead to redness and more itching. Rubbing also leads to a condition called corneal abrasion, which can worsen the infection and also lead to corneal scarring. By rubbing your eye continuously you can transmit the allergies or infection to the other eye also. In severe cases, it can also damage your eyes.

Steps to follow

By following few tips you can actually control eye itching problems, like

  • Clean your eyes with clean water, if you feel that any dust particles entered into your eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes, use suggested eye drops to control infections.
  • Wear cooling or sunglasses, if you are going out on a bike or when you are working near dusty or sandy conditions.
  • Avoid contact with scented candles or any other allergic factors.
  • Avoid working with strong cleaning chemicals.
  • Consult eye specialist if you experience any discomfort in your eyes without neglecting.
Drumstick Leaves Health Tips

Health Benefits of Drumstick Leaves

Drumsticks whose binomial name is Moringa oleifera are the most commonly used and well known vegetable with loads to proteins and minerals. Not just the drumsticks but the other parts of drumstick tree are also very useful and healthy like stem, seeds, leaves, flowers, root and others. Drumstick tree and its leaves are powerhouses of several healing properties and nutrients, they are used in traditional treatments from ages. Especially the drumstick leaves are very useful with many nutrient contents and provide several health benefits like aids in weight loss, protects from eye problems, improves immune system, prevents hair loss, fights anemia, treats arthritis, asthma and also acne problems.

Drumstick Leaves

Benefits of Drumstick Leaves

Small green coloured drumstick leaves are loaded with antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties along with several vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E. Along with the above drumstick leaves contains all essential nutrients, amino acids, potassium, calcium and others which are very useful. Do you know drumstick leaves contain more calcium than milk and are very beneficial for bones. Consuming drumstick leaves improves overall health and helps in development. These drumstick leaves works efficiently for people with nutritional deficiencies. Drumstick leaves helps to strengthen body building blocks like muscles, nerves and bones. It treats several ailments naturally by improving immunity system and improves our body’s natural healing system. Health benefits of drumstick leaves are also supported by scientific research.

Here is the list of several health benefits of drumstick leaves

  • Improves vision and beneficial for eyes

Drumstick leaves are rich in vitamin A, which protects our eyes and improves vision. Drumstick leaves also helps to eliminate eye problems like cataracts and also eliminate eye sight issues. Vitamin A content in drumstick leaves is 4 times more than vitamin present in carrots.

  • Improves bone and teeth health

Drumstick leaves contain more calcium when compared to milk and these helps to strengthen bones and teeth. Calcium present in drumstick leaves also helps in bone formation. These leaves help in development of bones and teeth of the foetus if taken by conceived women. It is important to add these leaves in diet for better growth and development.

  • Improve functioning of nervous system

Drumstick leaves are rich in vitamin B which is beneficial for nervous system. Vitamin B present in drumstick leaves stimulates nervous system and improves its functioning. These leaves also play a crucial role in controlling disorders of nervous system like numbness or tingling in limbs and also treat several problems like migraine, headache, irritability and others.

  • Beneficial for heart

Drumstick leaves are beneficial for heart muscles and tissues. Potassium present in drumstick leaves improves heart functioning and the antioxidants present in drumstick leaves prevents heart diseases like heart inflammation. Including drumstick leaves in diet helps to prevent heart diseases.

  • Improves immune system

Drumstick leaves are rich in vitamin C and including drumstick leaves in diet once in a week helps to improve immune system. The content of vitamin C in drumstick leaves is seven times more than in oranges. Lack of immunity makes and more prone to several illnesses and drumstick leaves prevents such health issues by improving immunity. Immune system plays a crucial role in eliminating several health illnesses like cold, cough, flu, infections and allergies.

  • Rich in antioxidants

Drumstick leaves plays a crucial role in preventing cancer. Drumstick leaves are rich in antioxidants and amino acids which help to fight against free radicals. High level of antioxidants and amino acids prevents growth of cancer cells and hence prevents cancers. By controlling free radicals drumstick leaves also reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart diseases and diabetes especially type 2 diabetes.

  • Eliminates anemia

Drumstick leaves are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C which help to prevent anemia. Drumstick leaves are very beneficial for conceived women and children as it is rich in iron and other essential nutrients. Intake of drumstick leaves regularly helps to prevent anemia condition.

  • Improves appetite

Amino acids present in drumstick leaves helps to improve appetite and also provide all essential nutrients to the body.

  • Controls sugar levels

Drumstick leaves are full of amino acids and fiber, these two helps to control sugar or glucose levels in body fluids and also improves secretion of insulin. People with diabetes should include drumstick leaves in diet to control sugar levels and increase pancreas secretion.

  • Aids in weight loss

Drumstick leaves are low in calories and high in fiber. Including drumstick leaves in diet regularly helps to lose some excess weight. Along with weight loss it also provides you with all the essential nutrients required and makes you feel healthy. These leaves also help to minimise water retention and bloating.

  • Eliminates constipation problems

Drumstick leaves are rich in dietary fiber, B complex vitamins, folic acid and others which are very essential for digestion. The vitamins present in these drumstick leaves helps to breakdown fats, proteins and carbohydrates. By improving digestion these leaves also helps to treat constipation problems.

  • Control asthma

Drumstick leaves are full of anti inflammatory properties. Drumstick leaves control asthma and its attacks by preventing inflammation of airways. Consuming drumstick leaves and its soup helps to treat asthma and its symptoms.

  • Improves lactation

Drumstick leaves are very beneficial to mothers as they enhance breast milk. Nursing mothers are especially suggested to include these leaves in diet as it improves milk production. Drumstick leaves are beneficial for both conceived women and nursing mothers.

  • Controls hypertension

Drumstick leaves contains mineral called potassium which helps to control hypertension. The potassium present in drumstick leaves helps to control heart muscle contractions which further help to control hypertension.

Along with these above health benefits, drumstick leaves also provide us with other benefits like preventing hair loss, treating acne, improves sperm count, improves memory, raises platelet counts, improves wound healing and also detoxifies your body. People can enjoy benefits of drumstick leaves by following few health tips of drumstick leaves like adding the leaves powder to the drinks like smoothie, tea and other beverages, taking it in moderate quantities and so on.

Brain Tumor Health Tips

Brain Tumor Effects and Tips to Overcome It

Brain tumor is a growth of abnormal cells in the brain and these masses can be cancerous or noncancerous. Normally the cells in our body grow and die after some time and new cells w ill be formed, but in case of cancer these body cells keep on growing and form a mass. It is a dangerous life threatening illness, people with brain tumor have several symptoms like vision or eye problems, severe headache, speech difficulties, memory problems, hearing problems and so on. These tumors grow in different sizes and shapes and how quickly the tumors in our body grow differ from one to another.

These tumors in brain can be cancerous (i.e. malignant) and non cancerous (i.e. benign). Cancerous or malignant tumors can be life threatening, as they grow, they increase pressure in skull and lead to brain damage. This type of tumors grow back even after treatment. These cancerous tumors are classified into two types namely

  • Primary Tumors– in this type the tumor begins in the brain. These tumors may develop from brain cells, nerve cells, meninges (membranes surrounding the brain) and glands. The most common types of cancerous tumors seen in adults are gliomas and meningiomas. Few Primary tumors can be non cancerous but leads to complications due to their size and location where they are developed. Primary tumors grow in brain and do not spread to other parts.
  • Secondary Tumors– in this type the tumors start growing in other parts of the body and spread to brain. These tumors are most common in people with history of cancer. These tumors are more common than the primary tumors. Secondary tumors are always cancerous and very dangerous. Here are few cancers which can spread to brain and lead to secondary tumors
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Colon cancer

Brain Tumor

Causes of Brain Tumors

The exact cause of brain tumors are not known yet. Few risk factors can increase the risk and lead to brain tumor in many people. Here are few factors that increase your risk of developing brain tumor

  • Age– even though brain tumors can occur at any age, they are most common in elder people. As people age, the risk of brain tumors also increase and because of it age is treated as the important risk factor.
  • Family history– people with family history of brain tumors are at an increased risk of developing tumors in brain.
  • Exposure to radiation– people who are exposed to ionization radiation in childhood or in the past are at an increased risk of developing brain tumors. People who are exposed to radiation therapy for cancer treatment are at an increased risk of brain cancer.
  • Exposure to chemicals– people who are exposed to certain chemicals at work place are also at an increased risk of brain cancer.

Symptoms of Brain Tumor

Symptoms of brain tumor differ based on the size, type and also the location of tumor in brain. As the functions of our body mainly depend on the different areas of the brain, symptoms also depend on the location of tumor in the brain and affect the areas of our body which are controlled by that location. People may not experience any severe symptoms until the tumor increased in size. Here are few common symptoms mostly seen in people with brain tumor

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Seizures
  • Clumsiness
  • Memory problems
  • Problem with balancing and walking
  • Loss of concentration
  • Facing numbness or tingling feeling in arms and legs

Though these symptoms can occur due to other problems also, it is very important to consult your doctor.

Effects of Brain Tumors

Brain tumors severely affect our life and overall wellbeing. Tumors in brain lead to several changes and affect us physically, emotionally and mentally. Here are few effects of brain tumor

  • Leads to personality changes and affects mood and character of individuals
  • Leads to depression due to treatment and daily life changes
  • Brain tumor and treatment leads to fatigue
  • Brain tumor affects memory and leads to memory loss and other problems
  • Leads to problems with speech and communication and face difficulty to express and understand
  • Affects thinking skills and children with brain tumor face difficulty in learning
  • Leads to seizures in adults

Tips to Overcome Brain Tumor

One can control the risk of brain tumor through few life style changes. Here are few health tips for brain tumor with which you can prevent and overcome brain tumor and its complications

  • Sleep– sleep is very important for every individual. Sleep helps to improve brain health. Get adequate sleep, as sleep helps to repair cell damage and restore tissues.
  • Avoid exposure to radiation– radiation increase the risk of brain tumor and by limiting the exposure one can easily avoid brain tumor.
  • Healthy diet– include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as they help to lower the risk of brain tumor
  • Exercise daily– exercises improve immunity and overall wellbeing, it also reduce the risk of brain tumors.
  • Know about your risks– know about your risks like age, family history of brain tumor and take necessary precautions
  • Consult your doctors– if you face any symptoms, consult your doctor and never neglect the symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important.

Homeopathy for Brain Tumor

Homeopathy treatment for brain tumor is natural and also works very effectively. Homeopathy uses natural remedies to treat brain tumor which are safe, non toxic and side effects free. Homeopathy remedies for brain tumor are prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides health tips for brain tumor. These homeopathy tips for brain tumor are natural, safe and assist in quick recovery. These overcome tips for brain tumor are very helpful and suitable for people of all age groups and they also help to avoid the complications of brain tumor.

Eyes Health Tips

Eyes Problems and Overcome Tips

Eyes are the most important and sensitive organs in our body. Vision is very important to do almost all day to day activities like reading, driving and so on. Any problems with vision can severely affect our daily routines and so on. Eye health is very crucial in our daily activities. Now a day’s many people are facing eye and vision related problems due to several factors like stress, injuries, allergies, lack of sleep or sleeping disorders, looking at electronic devices, several disease and so on.

Eye Problems

Now a day’s many people who are spending lot of time in front of electronic gadgets like mobiles, tablets, computers and so on are facing vision related problems. Few eye related problems include dry eyes, blurred vision, headache, red eyes and so on. Approximately more than 2000 people are facing eye problems daily due to their work. People who spend lot of time in front of electronic gadgets may result in increase of pressure on eyes, digital eye strain and lead to vision problems. It is proven that people who work in front of computers and other electronic gadgets for longer time experience changes in tear fluid just like people with dry eyes along with eye strain. This tear fluid helps to keep our eyes wet and clear from dust. As you age these eye problems due to blue light increases and affects your ability and focus and people who already have eye problems faces are more prone to severe problems.

Are you facing blurred vision, headache, dry and burning vision it may be due to computer vision syndrome. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition where people face several vision related problems due to spending lot of time in front of computers and other electronic devices. Vision or eye problems caused due to excess usage of computers or electronic gadgets fall under computer vision syndrome (CVS). Working for longer time in front of computers increases strain on your eyes as your eyes need to focus all the time and need to move back and forth which increases pressure on you eye muscles. The blue light from our screens and mobiles affect our eyes greatly. Natural eye filters in our eyes also may not be able to protect our eyes from this blue light. The blue light from the sun, laptops, smart phones and others reduces our visual contrast, sharpness and also clarity of our eyes. The symptoms like headache, eye strain and fatigue which people who sit for longer hours in front of computers experience may be due to this blue light. Excess exposure to this blue light may lead to cataracts and blindness. Not just adults but also kids who stare at computers, smart phones and tablets also face vision problems.

People who work on computers for lot of time face many problems like discomfort and increased eye strain. Along with these symptoms people also face many other symptoms like

  • Blurred vision
  • Red and dry eyes
  • Double vision
  • Feeling of burning and irritation in eyes
  • Headache
  • Back and neck pain
  • Fatigue
  • Myopia

People facing computer vision syndrome (CVS) may have all above symptoms or may have one two symptoms. People who experience these symptoms should visit specialists and also you may be advised a functional vision test which further helps you to find out problems like eye tracking, depth perception and others. If left untreated these can lead to severe vision related complications and also might affect your work performance.

Overcome Tips for Vision Problems

One can reduce and control work related eye problems and also problems due to computer vision syndrome (CVS) by following few health tips for vision problems like

  • Maintain proper distance– Adjust your computer and keep it 30 inches away from your eyes where you can easily read.
  • Adjust the lighting– Reduce or avoid the excess light as it increases stress on eyes. One can use glare filters to adjust the lightings. This glare filters control the light coming from the screen and reduces eye strain.
  • Always sit straight– While working on your computer, sit straight in upright posture where your back should be supported by the chair. Sit straight facing at center of the screen. Watching the screen from near or lying down or by bending may be dangerous and can harm your eyes.
  • Take breaks– Give your eyes rest for every 15 to 20 minutes. Closing your eyes or moving around in the office away from computer screen for 10 to 20 seconds can be helpful and can provide rest to your eyes.
  • Blink frequently– One should blink their eyes frequently to avoid the problem of dry eyes. Most of the people while looking at the computer may not blink as frequently as they should. Their decreased blink rate can make them more prone to dry eyes and it is very important to blink frequently to protect your eyes from getting dry and to keep your eyes moist.

By following the above tips one can easily control eye related vision problems. Along with above few other tips like using special glass to control eye strain. One can also fix blue light filters to the computer screens which can control certain amount of blue light and can protect your eyes.

Homeopathy for Vision Problems

Homeopathy is a natural and holistic way of treating several eye problems. Homeopathy works very well in treating several eye related problems like dry eyes, blurred vision, double vision and also improves Immunity System. Homeopathy uses natural remedies that are extracted from natural substances to treat several eye related problems. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides few health tips for eye problems. These homeopathy tips for vision problems are safe and do not have any side effects. Homeopathy overcome tips for eye problems help to control further damage and also help to protect your eyes. Homeopathy remedies for eye problems are prescribed based on the symptoms and also based on the individualization theory.