Health Tips Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Moderate amount of sun provides many health benefits and is a natural way to get vitamin D. Exposure to sun reduces hypertension, improves immunity, natural healing of the body, useful for skin, hair and also in children sunlight plays a crucial role in growth and development. It lifts mood and treats depression. Sunlight naturally treats jaundice.

Sunlight is the energy and light that comes from sun. It is the radiation and heat from the sun in form of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. Without sunlight we can’t think of life as it gives energy to the plants to grow which provides oxygen and food for many species on earth including animals, human beings, birds, insects and many more. Plants use sunlight in the process of photosynthesis. Our body use ultraviolet light from sunlight i.e. exposure to sun light to make vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, cell growth and other body functions. Without light and heat from sun earth could only be a lifeless cold planet.


Definition of Sunrays :

Sunrays are rays of light from the sun. Rays of light indicates narrow beams of light.

Which Time is Good to Absorb the Sunlight ?

Now a day’s many people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency and facing many health problems as vitamin D is very important for healthy bones, for immunity and for brain development. Every individual has a doubt and debate about the timing one should go out in the sun as exposure to sunlight is crucial to raise the vitamin D levels.
Some doctors advise to sit or get exposed to early morning sun i.e. before 11am and evenings i.e. after 4pm when sunlight or sun rays are mild. Avoid exposure to mid day sun when it is too hot as ultraviolet light or rays can cause sunburn and skin cancer.
Whereas some experts say our skin produces more vitamin D, if we expose it during the middle of the day i.e. between 10 am to 3 pm because in the early morning and late afternoon the sun rays are more oblique and get absorbed by the ozone layer and your body don’t make vitamin D.
Health Benefits of Sunlight :

Too much exposure to sun may cause some skin problems whereas right balance can give lots of health benefits. Here are important health benefits of moderate sun exposure
Lowers blood pressure– our body release nitric oxide when we get exposed to sun which helps to control the BP.
Treats skin disorders– skin exposure to sun can treat several skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, acne and other fungal infections.
Boosts growth in children– several studies says that exposing children to mild sun as direct effects on how tall the children grow. As exposure to sun boost growth and height in children.
Improves bone health– our body produce vitamin D when exposed to sun, it stimulate the absorption of bone strengthening calcium. Vitamin D reduces risk of bone diseases and fractures.
Good for hair– we get vitamin D from sunlight which is useful for hair, it stimulates hair growth and treat hair loss.
Exposure to sunlight lowers cholesterol, control risk of cancer, improves sleep quality, brain function, improves metabolism and treat macular degeneration.

Black Pepper Health Tips

Uses of Black Pepper

Explain about Black pepper?

Black pepper, the king of spices along with its strong aroma also has several nutrients like iron, several vitamins and protein. The nutrients present in black pepper provide several health benefits by controlling cholesterol, anemia, hypertension, digestion problems, body pain and diabetes. Antibiotic properties present in black pepper helps to treat bacterial infections and arthritis.
Black pepper is a common spice used in different cuisines worldwide. Its scientific name is piper nigrum; it is a flowering vine and belongs to piperaceae family. It is cultivated for fruit called peppercorn, when it is dried it turns black as black pepper. It is used as a spice in both whole and powdered form; it is also used for seasoning in various cuisines. It is native to south Indian Kerala state and it is called the king of spices. Along with its strong flavour it gives to the recipes, it is also beneficial for health. There are four varieties of peppercorns are there namely Black pepper, white pepper, green pepper and wild pepper.


Nutrient factors present in Black Pepper :

Black peppers have an interesting and impressive nutritional profile; they contain essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre which we need for healthy life. They contain vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, niacin, folate and choline. They contain high percentage of vitamin K which increases calcium absorption in bones and promotes cardiovascular health. With vitamin C and vitamin K black pepper contains anti inflammatory properties.
Black peppers contain important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium and fluoride. Black peppers are rich in iron; it is a great tool to fight with anemia. Black peppers with high manganese content they offer great antioxidant protection. Copper present in black pepper supports immunity and thyroid gland activity. Potassium helps lower Bp.
Black peppers are low in calories and contains good amount of dietary fibre. They contain high amount of anti oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and fever reducing properties. Black pepper contains essential oils like piperine, an ammonia-derived alkaloid; these oils are also used in aromatherapy to get relief from pains.

Health benefits of Black Pepper :

Black peppers provide various health benefits like
Improves digestion and stimulate appetite– black peppers increase hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach which eases digestion and improves appetite.
Control cancers – black pepper contains piperine, vitamin C, vitamin A, flavonoids and anti oxidants that removes free radicals and protect our body from cancers.
Helps in weight loss– black peppers contain phytonutrients that encourage breakdown of fat cells and helps to lose weight.
Treats respiratory issues– black peppers breaks down the mucus stuck in the respiratory tract and helps to treat problems like sinus, cough, cold, breathing problems and asthma.
Treats diabetes– it treat type-2 diabetes with its phenolic and antioxidant content
Treats high Bp and hypertension – the piperine, phenolics and antioxidants in black pepper helps lower Bp and treats hypertension.
Control dental problems– black pepper helps fight tooth decay and provides relief from toothache. Helpful in improving dental health.
It also provides health benefits like promotes healthy hair, treats cognitive disorders, relieves gas, increases nutrient absorption, improves skin, treats ulcers, it has antibiotic properties and treats bacterial infections, boost the metabolism and benefits people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

Fruits Health Tips

Health benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are the all time favourites for all age groups from children to elders. They belong to the yellow and orange fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamin C, iron and antioxidants. Mangoes also help in digestion and treats anemia.
Mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world for their taste, flavour and nutritional values. A mango whose scientific name is magnifera indica belongs to the cashew family Ancardiaceae. Mangoes are originated in South Asia and India over 4000 years ago. Mangoes are called as the king of fruits due to its unique taste, high nutritional values and health benefits. Mango is the national fruit of India. Summer is the season of fresh and juicy mangoes. Mangoes acts as coolant agent and mangoes have vitamins and minerals that help in treating dehydration problems in summer.

In India different types or varieties of mangoes are available like Alphonso, Banginapally, Chausa, Dussehri, Kesar, Langra, Totapuri, Himsagar and Kishan Bhog. Each variety or type has a different and unique texture and flavour.
Mangoes are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and iron are present in mangoes. Good amount of Vitamins are there in mangoes like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K and other B vitamins. Mangoes are rich in fibrepolyphenols, carotenoids, omega-3 and contain low calories. Mangoes are good food for all age groups starting with children to elder people. Mangoes are also useful for diabetic people in moderate amounts. Kids love eating mangoes and mango milkshakes, including mangoes in their diet helps to improve their health and immunity.

Benefits of Mangoes :

Mangoes for improving memory
Mangoes contain glutamine acids which help to keep cells active and improve memory. Including mangoes in diet help to maintain adequate level of glutamine acid in kids which improve brain functions and memory. Mangoes help children with lack of concentration by improving memory.
Vitamin B6 present in mangoes helps in improving brain function by maintaining efficient nervous system. Vitamin B6 is known as energy booster, it controls stress and enhance mood.
Mangoes boosts immune system
Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids which are helpful in boosting immune system. Mangoes contain 25 different types of carotenoids which improves immune system. Carotenoids are well known for their antioxidant qualities which protect our body and health. Vitamin C present in mangoes is also an antioxidant which improves our immune system. Vitamin A present in mangoes supports proper bone growth and good health.
Mangoes promotes good eye sight
Vitamin A and vitamin E in mangoes are very helpful for good eyesight. Mangoes help to protect your eye from problems like dryness of the eye, night blindness, softening of the cornea, refractive errors, itching and burning in the eye. One cup of mango pieces provides 25% of daily recommended level of vitamin A which is required for good vision. Mangoes are also good source of lutein and zeaxanthin which are helpful in treating the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Mangoes are good source of these vision promoting nutrients which improves eye health.
Mangoes benefits our health by helps in digestion, good for heart, treat cancers, treats anemia, weight gain, controls cholesterol and also beneficial for skin.

Exercises Health Tips

Benefits of Exercises

Explain about exercises?

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured to improve physical fitness, overall health and wellness. Exercise helps to lose weight and decrease the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity. Exercise is useful in control depression levels, heart diseases and osteoporosis. Exercise can manage energy levels and improves mood. Exercise is done for various reasons like strengthening muscles, cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity. By exercising daily we can lead an active life which makes our heart healthier and stronger.

Here are some simple and easy exercises which we can do to keep our body fit and healthy are

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Push ups
  • Squats
  • Crunches
  • Yoga
  • Chinese martial arts
  • lunges

Different types of exercise for maintaining good health :

There are four types of exercises. Each type of exercise is important in its own way, and doing all four types is the way to maximize your fitness. Four types of exercise are

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength exercise
  • Balance exercise
  • Flexibility exercise.

Aerobic exercises like brisk walking. Jogging, dancing and swimming increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and control disease like, type 2 diabetes, high Bp and may even lower the risk of cancer. This exercise helps to carry out your everyday activities easily.
Strength exercises like weight lifting and using your own body weight makes muscle strong. These exercises are called strength training or resistance training.
Balance exercises like standing in one foot, heel to toe walk and Chinese martial arts help control the problem in elder people. It improves your ability to control and stabilize your body’s position. These exercises are helpful for everyone including people who gained weight and pregnant women.
Flexibility exercises like shoulder stretch; upper arm stretch, calf stretch and yoga stretch your muscles and improve your range of motion at your joints. They improve flexibility and reduce risk of injury during other activities.
Practicing any one type of exercise is not useful for overall health. One should include all four types of exercises in their workouts, or can combine exercises together like doing strength and balance exercises together.

Benefits of exercises :

Regular exercise is important for happy and healthy lifestyle. Everyone from children to elder people gets benefited from exercise. Exercise boosts mood and wellbeing. Some important benefits of exercise are

  • Controls weight
  • Reduce risk of heart diseases, cancers and diabetes
  • Avoids constipation and heals digestion problems
  • Controls stress levels, depression and improve mood and overall wellbeing
  • Improves physical strength and fitness
  • Boost happiness levels
  • Helps children maintain healthy weight and height
  • Keeps muscles, bones and joints strong
  • Keep our brain healthy and improve memory
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Increase self confidence and improves performance at work
  • Gives fresh and glowing skin.
Health Tips Stress

14 Ways To Avoid Stress

Explain about stress :

Stress usually refers to the psychological perception of pressure and body’s response to it. We feel stressed if anything happens suddenly or everything becomes overloaded. Stress is a challenge or threat to our well being. In our body the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis are two major systems that respond to stress. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) plays a crucial role in stress-related mechanisms. Causes or feel of stress differs from person to person like some experience headache, anger, depressed and others may have digestive problems and sleeplessness. Some people face and cope with stress more effectively which minimises stress effects and improves performance. Stress affects our body, mood and behaviour. Stress may be acute stress, episodic stress and chronic stress.

Causes and effects of stress on human being :

Causes of stress– Stress is caused by any stressful situations or events. Some causes of stress are
Personal problems– Problems like health issues, emotional problems, life changes, problems in relationship, arguments, bereavement, divorce and injuries plays major role in stress.
Financial problems– Loss of job and financial crisis also plays crucial role in developing stress.
Work and Social problems– Problems like insecurity of job, uncomfortable work place, heavy workload, harassment at work, thinking of promotion, misunderstandings with co workers, and long working hours are some of the work related stress usually people face.

Problems like pollution, overcrowding, traffic, environment change, responsibility increase and noisy neighbours are some of the social problems people face.

Effects of stress :

Stress effects our body, mind and behaviour. Stress if left untreated causes many health problems like high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity and diabetes. Common effects of stress are

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sadness/depression
  • Sleeplessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty making decision
  • Breathing problems
  • Weakness/tiredness
  • Anger, irritability
  • Social withdrawal
  • Neck, back and muscle pain
  • Anxiety
  • Abnormal heartbeat and heart diseases
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Fertility problems
  • Digestion problems
  • Faintness/dizziness
  • Sweating/ cold or sweaty hands or feet
  • Nervousness or guilty
  • Reduced work efficiency or productivity

Stress also affects our immune system which leads to frequent infections and certain cancers. Stress has direct affects on skin and can contribute to insomnia.

Tips to manage stress :

Stress affects every aspect of life, so stress management is necessary for maintaining both physical and emotional health. Some tips to manage stress are

  • Exercise daily
  • Eat well balanced meal
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breath, meditation and yoga
  • Relax your muscles by stretching and massage
  • Take deep breaths
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Make time for yourself and hobbies
  • Share or talk to your friends and family about your problems
  • Maintain positive attitude
  • Know what triggers your stress
  • Cultivate a sense of humor
  • Make a list of important things you need to do each day
  • Consult your doctor and take suggestions
Alzheimer’s Treatments

About Alzheimer’s Diseases

Alzheimer’s Diseases :

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. It is the common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities, which interfere with daily routines. Alzheimer’s disease starts at the age of 60, condition gets severe when people get older. Alzheimer’s disease first involves parts of the brain that controls thoughts, memory and language. Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease include genetic factors, head injuries, depression and hypertension. People with Alzheimer’s disease may have problem remembering recent happenings, names of people. As condition gets severe with aging and people may not recognise family members, they may have trouble reading, writing, speaking and forget their routine duties.

There are 7 stages of Alzheimer’s disease, they are
Stage 1- In early stage people may not have any symptoms of disease, they behave normally.
Stage 2- In these stage very mild changes may take place like forgetting or misplacing an object.
Stage 3- In this stage family can notice mild changes in behaviour like forgetting what he read, asks same question repeatedly and can’t remember the names of new people.
Stage 4- In this stage people face problems in thinking and reasoning.
Stage 5- In this stage they have problem in remembering their address and phone number.
Stage 6- In this stage severe change can be seen like they may remember the face, but forgets their names, mistakes one person for another.
Stage 7- In this stage people will no longer recognise or remember anything like their daily duties like eating, drinking and walking.

Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease :

Common causes of Alzheimer’s are
Aging- The risk of Alzheimer’s increases as people gets older. People with age above 65 may get affected.
Genetics- This disease pass through genetics. If any person in the family has this disease others are also at high risk of this disease.
Down syndrome- People with down syndrome develops Alzheimer’s, because people with down syndrome have high chromosome, that helps in generating harmful amyloid.
Head injury- Head injuries in early ages can develop Alzheimer’s in later stages.

Health, environmental and lifestyle factors like depression, high cholesterol level, high BP, and different hypothesis can also cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease :

The basic and common symptom of Alzheimer’s is memory loss. Along with memory loss some other symptoms are

  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty in planning
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Problem with writing, reading and understanding
  • Difficulty in completing the similar tasks
  • Poor judgement
  • Misplacing things
  • Problem understanding the images and special relationships
  • Changes in mood and personality.

Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s Disease :

Homeopathy for Alzheimer’s disease provides a safe and successful treatment. Homeopathy treatment has no side effects and helps to slow down further progression of disease. Homeopathy treatment focuses on improving the memory of the person, dealing with depression and emotional imbalance. Treatment is given based on the symptoms and physical examination.

Diabetes Health Tips

How to Avoid Diabetes Complications

Tips to Avoid Diabetes Complications

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is commonly referred as diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases (metabolism disorder) in which people suffer with high sugar levels for a long period. Symptoms of high sugar include frequent urination (polyuria), increased thirst, and increased appetite. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. Controlling diabetes is very crucial, if left untreated, it can lead to several diadetes complications like weight loss, kidney failure, vision disorders, teeth problems and so on.

Types of Diabetes :

  • Type 1 diabetes( pancreas’s failure to produce enough insulin)
  • Type 2 diabetes (body cells fail to respond to the insulin produced properly)
  • Gestational diabetes (diabetes in the female during pregnancy)
  • Genetic defects

The basic and main cause of Diabetes is defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both, which indeed leads to a condition in which the quantity of glucose in the body is high. This excess glucose passes out of the body in urine. As the body is not responding to the insulin properly the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and growth requirements.
There is no known preventive measure for diabetes, but it can be controlled by Exercise, Eliminate grains and sugars, diet, controlling body weight,  Limiting sugary beverages and eating less red meat and other sources of saturated fat can also help to reduce diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes Complications:

  • Hunger and fatigue
  • Dry mouth and itchy skin
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Yeast infections
  • Slow-healing sores or cuts
  • Pain or numbness in feet or legs
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Measuring your sugar levels regularly is important in order to keep a dangerous increase or decrease under control. Most cases of diabetes are mild and are not considered medical emergencies, as the effect can range from feelings of unease, sweating, trembling, and increased appetite in mild cases, such cases can be self-treated by eating or drinking something high in sugar. Severe cases can lead to unconsciousness and must be treated with intravenous glucose or injections with glucagon.

If diabetes is not treated properly it may lead to long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, foot ulcers, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, hearing problems, gum diseases, skin infections. Vitamin D which we get from exposure to the sun is useful for diabetic patients. Active participation in the treatment is important for patients as the complications are less severe in people who have well-managed sugar levels. Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes as it mainly concentrates on the functioning of the pancreas in efficient insulin production.

Diabetes Treatments

Treatment for Diabetes

An overview of Diabetes

Explain about Diabetes?

Are you facing symptoms like weight loss, fatigue, increased appetite, vision problems along dry and itchy skin, this can be due to Diabetes.

Diabetes is commonly referred as Diabetes mellitus (DM). Diabetes is a disease that affects your body’s ability to produce or use insulin by pancreas. Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas. Our body transforms the food we eat into energy, which is usually called as glucose or sugar, insulin helps cells to use this glucose/sugar for energy. Without insulin cells cannot use glucose. Diabetes is a situation where pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or cells of the body are unable to use insulin properly. When cells fail to use the insulin excessive amount of glucose enters into body, high sugar level in body is called hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). As the body is not responding to the insulin properly the cells are not getting it for their essential energy and growth requirements which lead to weakness, stress, nerve damage. Glycemic control is the word used for the typical levels of sugar (glucose) in a person with diabetes.


The symptoms of diabetes include

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Extreme hunger
  • Weight loss
  • Yeast infections
  • Weak and tired feeling
  • Slow-healing sores or cuts
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Blurred vision

Diabetes symptoms differ from one other depending on their sugar levels. In some cases very mild symptoms or no symptoms are seen, in such situation people with diabetes are unaware of the condition and undiagnosed.


Consequences Caused due to Diabetes :

If Diabetes is not treated properly it may lead to long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs. Some consequences of Diabetes are

  • Heart diseases
  • Stroke
  • Kidney diseases
  • Eye problems
  • Dental diseases
  • Nerve damage
  • Foot ulcers
  • Hypertension
  • Hearing problems
  • Sexual dysfunction

Explain about different types of Diabetes?

There are four main types of Diabetes :
  1. Type 1 diabetes( pancreas’s failure to produce enough insulin)
  2. Type 2 diabetes (body cells fail to respond to the insulin produced properly)
  3. Gestational diabetes (diabetes in the female during pregnancy)
  4. Genetic defects.

Gestational diabetes usually occurs during pregnancy and goes away after pregnancy. In some cases, pregnant ladies have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and in such a situation, these women will need to continue diabetes treatment after pregnancy also. In some cases, diabetes is inherited from their ancestors.

Keeping sugar levels controlled in the blood is the main factor in managing diabetes. Measuring sugar levels regularly is the best way to know about the exact condition of the patient. By good and controlled diet, exercise, meditation, yoga, medication, controlling body weight and limiting sugary beverages one can manage and control diabetes.

Homeopathy Treatment for Diabetes :

Homeopathy is very effective in managing the symptoms of Diabetes. Diabetes with the help of Homeopathy can be controlled effectively. Homeopathy helps overall health improvement, when a person is in good health, stress-free their insulin requirements can be steady and body glucose can be under control.